The NOW PLAYING thread

Heh, I'm on my way to 200! And I just passed 100 yesterday, methinks... then look at how long it took me to get to 100! I said it, once Ipass 100, there's only a few days matter before I get to 1000. ;)

NP: Dimmu - Broderskapets Ring
That's not good, Nomad... go out and smash something. Like me, earlier, I took a sledgehammer and wreaked havoc on a rather large bed we just threw out.

NP: Dimmu - Sorgens kammer
Originally posted by Blackspirit


Thyrfing - Urkraft - 04 - Home Again

Just got that album yesterday and it's GOOD!!!! Can't believe I didn't buy it sooner :(

Originally posted by Vanir
Still Sorgens kammer

Anyone who haven't heard it, ANYONE, should get their hands on it ASAP!
That's FSBF for you norwegians

It's indeed a good album. Anyways I'm a sucker for instrumentals.
Musikk må de vårrå, sjø!
Well, Stormblåst is one of the early albums, and thus one of the only ones I listen to by Dimmu.
NP: Sorgens Kammer
It's been on repeat for a while, and I intend to keep it that way :)