The NOW PLAYING thread

D12 - Fight music

HEY! I just dug up some old CD's, figured I'd try it out. And thinking about it, Eminem & Co have some great lyrics. I just wanna find my Eminem CD's. I need to listen to Kim right now. Hirr..
Yup, that's the one. Can't find the CD, so I'm downloading WinMX just to download it :)
Hey, noone can call me a criminal :) I DO own the CD... just that I can't really prove it without a bulldozer... this place is a mess..

D12 - Revolution
Originally posted by astarte

I think it's because it's too crowded now. As you say, the levels of stupidity have not risen and i'm not against teddybears at all but, i don't know, it lost it's charm.

It's not that I require high levels of intelligence ( :p ) either but for instance, i couldn't care less about Stanne's sex life ;)

Anyway, I lost my point.

:lol: Yes....but I understand what you mean and I sadly feel the same way, I grew tired of posting there for some reason as well....