The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Lordenlil
What do you want me to do? I delivered the digi-cam on friday.
Besides I'm not that proud of it... girlfriend hates it.

Burzum still.
Oh well I believe you :)

Well I can understand her.. Personally I'm not a fan of tattoos either.
OMG!! Candlemass rulz! Goody - Epicus..

Covenant - Nexus Polaris... tr00 norwegian black with a touch of
synth and a big Sarah on female vox and the mongoloid ex-Dimmu Stian....
Yes.. mongoloid..retard.. Stian.. he's crazy.. but made some cool Troll... and Covenant. :)

Covenant - Nexus Polaris :rock:
Hmm - we got 1/2 Arcturus, 1 part Mayhem, 2 part of Dimmu/Troll,
a part CoF/Therion/Mortiis etc... and MoRE in this record..