The NOW PLAYING thread

ey, blackie... got something here that you would like:
the new Perished album =) this is the pre-master of it... so the souns is not that good, but not bad at all!
Originally posted by HellSpawn
ey, blackie... got something here that you would like:
the new Perished album =) this is the pre-master of it... so the souns is not that good, but not bad at all!

*Starts running up to Gokk to MURDER HellSpawn* >:o))

Actually, I am waiting for the finished master, as my friend
has it >:o) I'll probably get a burnt copy in not too long,
just have to find the right time to meet up :o)

Can't wait! This album HAS TO rock my socks! It can not
suck! >:o)
Their older stuff is way better than Clayman, though. Jester Race
and Whoracle are imo the best they ever made. If the first albums they made had had better sound quality, they would be
in a definite top spot, but as it is, I have to say Jester Race and
Originally posted by Blackspirit
*Starts running up to Gokk to MURDER HellSpawn* >:o))

Actually, I am waiting for the finished master, as my friend
has it >:o) I'll probably get a burnt copy in not too long,
just have to find the right time to meet up :o)

Can't wait! This album HAS TO rock my socks! It can not
suck! >:o)
the album is actullay great! even though i have grown tired of that kind of metal, i really like it!
and btw. i guess you know about Perished and... *host* *hark*inferno*host*? :grin: