The NOW PLAYING thread

I can't seem to be able to sleep in anymore... distressing.

Now Playing: Drain S.T.H. -- Horror Wrestling -- Klotera
/* random quote */
"He's just not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But that's what we get when Democrats run awful campaigns. Really, Democratic candidates should be more mindful of their responsibility to protect this country from their opponents."
-Michael Kimmitt
I seem to be unable to sleep in... and the weather sucks... at least the tornados didn't come up here.

Actually, quick questions... do tornados hit Europe much? Which parts, generally?

Now Playing: Alanis Morissette -- Under Rug Swept -- Surrendering
/* random quote */
So beautiful is your naivete
Angelic... pathetic... I'll break your fucking wings
I really should find something to do....

Now Playing: October Tide -- Grey Dawn -- Heart of the Dead
/* random quote */
It has been postulated that, given an infinite number of monkeys bashing away at an infinite number of keyboards, we could eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Internet, we now know this to be incorrect.