The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by FatherVic
wow someone in Norway that listents to Dark Moor!!!!!! :hotjump:

Why so surprised?! :eek:)
'Cause they're from Spain?

Well, music spreads fast over the internet :eek:) Me likes!
I loved the bandname and gave them a try. I didn't
know it would be this kind of metal, and was
disappointed at first. But I have to admit the music is
fantastic, and I'm starting to love the vocals...

But, how old is this guy? 14? >:eek:P Still.... I can't seem
to get enough of this band's music at the moment....
Shit, what if it makes me ditch Thyrfing?!???
Noooooooo!!!! >:eek:P hehe....
Originally posted by Lutz
Isnt Dark Moor's singer female? :p
But she sounds like a man.

YESSS!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!

I asked this guy yesterday;
"This has to be a girl!! It is a girl, right?!"
"Oh no, it's a guy all right.... " ...?!????
It sounds like a girl... Either it's a 14 year
old boy, a girl, or I have no idea!! Hehe!! :eek:))

FatherVic; Can you clear this up? :eek:)
And do you know a good site with info on
this band? Cause their official one sucks +
it's in spanish..... :eek:P

Still very good though :eek:)
I'm in heaven! :D 3500 only metal mp3's!!
I'm at Picers for thos who know(Lutz that is hehe)

dont know what to listen to though, all to much!!
so random it is :D