The NOW PLAYING thread

It's from Ansuz Astral ;) :)

Skipet let frå kai
Aldri vil ho vende att
Ho er trygg i stjernenatt

Reisa har vërt lang
Han some søv kjem draumen til
Teck han dit han draume vil


Actually, those are lines of an Enslaved song, featured on the "blodhemn" album :) Those lyrics are just wonderful I think, tho the english translation isn't that good mostly ;)

(here the official translation of Enslaved)

The ship left for the sea
Never will she return
She is safe in the starry night

The journey's been long
The dream comes to the sleeping
Brings him where he longs to dream

Hmm, would be nice of some Norwegian guy was aroud to find a better translation (If possible ;) ) :)
I see the lyrics of the song as some metaphorical phrase of death or fulfillment, wishes, and some other things maybe too, dunno if that's actually right, tho... well, maybe worth discussing ;)
Why am I listening to the daughter of Hel in these cases!?!?!? :eek: :eek: ;) :p

Well, to Hel's defense, she couldn't choose where to live, eventually, and the pple used to see her not only as the Queen of the dead, but also the goddess of Spring sometimes, am I wrong? ;)

Or why do you call yourself "Daughter of Hel"? ;) Just curious...
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Why am I listening to the daughter of Hel in these cases!?!?!? :eek: :eek: ;) :p

Well, to Hel's defense, she couldn't choose where to live, eventually, and the pple used to see her not only as the Queen of the dead, but also the goddess of Spring sometimes, am I wrong? ;)

No, you're right. But just to fill out a bit. (Mark, though, that this is how I see it.) Hel is just what the name/word means: hel = whole. Everything. The entirety (hel-heten). Cosmos. The universe. Nothing supernatural, just plain. But since the universe is where all life (we know) come from, the universe is the reason we are; and so Hel (which is only an expression for this 'everything') is raised to something divine - a goddess. And about her home: Since Hel is eveything, she's also everywhere, thus her home is everywhere, and not only in Niflhel/Niflheim (which seems to be you home...).

Or why do you call yourself "Daughter of Hel"? Just curious...

I might as well say that I'm daughter of Jord (Earth), but since Jord is only a part of Hel, I choose to say I'm a daughter of Hel
Originally posted by Phyros
Hey Morg! Thanks for the info! Dunno what to say about Rehn tho... sad story...:(
Looking forward to the new album!

Well, I dunno what to say about the hole situation there, I met him as a nice guy. So I basicly can't say anything negative...

I'm looking forward to the album...

And in case my now playing field still strikes, I'm listening to Borknagar - Gods Of...