The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Phyros
Varför finns det inga Danska hårdrockare?

-phyros (saw blackspirit and remembered what he ought to spin in the CD)

there are some good danish bands:daemon, of the wand and the moon, lars ulrich:D! but the scene in denmark isn't compareable to the rest of scandinavia! but the beer is so much cheeper there! :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by The Nomad
Finally got my Garmarna CDs. Whee!:) :hotjump:

And speaking of Varvulven, what happened to Fleischwolf?

i'm still here, but i've been very busy the last days, so that i didn't post a lot! but i'm still around here!:D ;) :D

and, yes, garmarna is great, especially "varulven"! i thought, you don't like this side of the wolf!:D
@Nomad and Fleischwolf: wich songs should I download of Garmarna to get a good picture of them??!:)
btw download takes a lot of time by my computer so could you explain the music a little. I know it is folk music and I read about it in the Folk-music thread but I was wondering what instuments they use, and that kind of stuff.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Garmarna? Whatre they like?

As for the Sonic Death Monkey thing, Ive seen High Fidelity, I dont remember any Sonic Death Monkeys in there.......:confused:

Garmarna was mentioned in the Folk Music thread. Swedish folk elements. The latest album (the one I'm now playing) has a LOT of electronic/techno elements that I kinda like. But many of the songs are relatively sad with titles like "Straffad moder & dotter (Mother and daughter punished)."

I haven't listened to it enough (and I'm too tired) to have a good handle on the instruments and the general "what are they like." But I will say that it's not metal in the slightest.

As for Sonic Death Monkey, wasn't that the original name of the band that the guy (forget his name) put together?
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
i'm still here, but i've been very busy the last days, so that i didn't post a lot! but i'm still around here!:D ;) :D

and, yes, garmarna is great, especially "varulven"! i thought, you don't like this side of the wolf!:D

1) That's good.

2) I don't, but the music's good. I'm probably better off not knowing what the lyrics mean.
Ah.... :eek:)

Checking out some of the bands that are playing at
2000 Decibel. Entombed has always been around,
but I have never been bothered checking them out...

I don't regret this. They're not fantastic, but I think
I'll enjoy them live if I get to go to that festival :eek:)
This album needs a few more spins before I'll really
enjoy it I guess :eek:)
Originally posted by Lutz
Check out the album "Left Hand Path" by Entombed instead!

Do I have to?! >:eek:P
Everyone seems to recommend different albums
so I just went for the last one...
Allrightie.... I'll check out "Left Hand Path" as well....
I'm all up for downloading mp3's at the moment...
It's like a kick :eek:) I need more music :eek:)
K, lads and lasses... I need help... What is the easiest way to order Wacken ticks? We have gone with the Sweden Rock bus the other years, but this time we´ll go by car... So how do you order the ticks? Necause MetalTix seems to be a german thing only...:(

-phyros (thankfull for every help he could get)
Officical WOA homepage hereby states where you can get your ticket for getting ya ass kicked, your balls ripped off and your memories deleted and your sanity lost... well, going to Wacken I mean, in case you haven't noticed yet :p

If you look down the list you'll find some VERY interesting entry concerning a small northern european country named "Sweden" ;)

Happy hunting!
Wunjo, Wunjo!
Reisa har vërt lang
Hansom søv kjem draumen till;
tek han dit han draume vil... made me very curous..... what/where's this from? You see, I bear wunjo around my neck mostly every day.......