The NOW PLAYING thread

Thanks FV and The Nomad... I'll try to be happier, that's why I'm in the band I am, because I can just lay back and play music that I love... Also, I can listen to the music that I like with them, and they love it! I'm trying to search for Thyrfing, not easy to find! :cry:
well, to my ears, the music sounded rather south american! i know some finnish folk music, but this isn't like what it usually sounds like! i can tell finnish, when i hear it spoken, even though i don't understand it! but here i can't tell what language this is supposed to be! maybe a finn can shed some light, olkaa hyvä!:D :D :D :D
are there any finns here, by the way?
@nomad yep, blackspirit'll have ya hanged! ;)

@DWD yeah man, the worst part is seeing the chick you like walking around with other guys and laughing, it fuckin kills me. Should we have one of those circles? "Hi, Im Final_Vision and I have women problems...." :cry: at any rate, just do shit to get your mind off of it and dont dwell on it, play music, thats what I do, and as I can tell, thats what you do hehe. Metal - the greastest remedy in the world :D

@mel Ok, I like this song and the whole intro now that I had the patience to listen to the whole song :D
@F_V: Indeed, playing my guitar can get my mind off of anything. But the feelings keep coming back. I don't know why I express myself so much, I guess I'm just crying out for help. I find it every once in awhile, but it wears off. I've never had someone, so seeing all the girls I like really kills me. I try to help people with their problems, but sometimes I just can't do it.
@DWD eh, dont worry bout it man, these boards are a good release, especially when you find boards with good people, like the DT board or here. Itll all turn out on the upside hopefully, im still praying anyway :D
Originally posted by The Nomad
On a totally separate note, I tried out Thyrfing. Didn't like it.

*Jaw falls to the floor*

Seriously, it DID!!!!!!!!! My mouth stayed open till the
end of page 43!!! Hehehehe.... My gawd! >:eek:)

*Shakes head*

*Starts crying uncontrollable*

Yeah, I'll have ya hanged!!!! HANGED!!!!!!!!
*sob* *grrrrrrrrrr*

Seriously, which songs did you check out?!
My mission failed! lol! I have probably talked so much
about them that you had too high expectations, or
were sick of them already! Hehehe >:eek:) Well, it's cool
to see that we're all not the same, innit? It would've
been crazy if we all here liked the same bands,
wouldn't it? I'd get scared and leave >:eek:P Hehe....