The Obsidian Conspiracy - Instrumental Version

Andy most definitely did reamp. Do those clips sound even remotely SE-esque to you guys? With the low end squish and overall smoothness it's got going on, I'm convinced it's a 5150 or 5150III.


Going off those clips, I can't really be too sure it's an SE, especially when you try to compare the tone to those little previews Warrel posted off his iphone. YES, I know that an iphone isn't really a reliable source, but you can definitely hear the SE type of tone in those clips.

Going off what I've heard on youtube, my guess would be that Andy re-amped through a 5150III as well.
Entertaining to watch? I had to open another window while it was playing lol. He probably wouldn't look he does if he had a mic to sing into.

Great voice though. Anyone know if he's in a band too?
Yeah, he has a good voice, but the vocal melodies are pretty boring (but then so are Warrel's).
+1 on matt's version being better.

Half of the reason I listen to Nevermore is because I find Warrel's melodies incredibly interesting.
To be honest, I love the entire package. There is nothing about Nevermore I don't like! :lol: I absolutely love Van's drumming as well - I think that guy doesn't get enough credit for how well he drums 'to the songs'.

I just found it odd that 'Keregioz' said he thought Warrel's vocals were boring, because I find them incredibly awesome and unique.
Sometimes I don't even know what it is about Nevermore that I like. I think it's the unique combination of factors. Loomis' riffing alone doesn't actually hold my interest forever, it takes Warrel's vocal lines to bring a lot of those tracks to life. Yet at times I find Warrel's delivery to be very strained and dramatized. I'm finding a lot of the newer solos to be a bit too self-indulgent for me as well, but there are always moments of awesomeness in there that make me appreciate the whole.

So it's like this balance of good and bad, where somehow the combination of individual parts make the whole more good than bad.

I really dig Van's drumming too. Never strikes me as out of place, and always just supports the songs in a way that makes sense.

Half of the reason I listen to Nevermore is because I find Warrel's melodies incredibly interesting.

I just found it odd that 'Keregioz' said he thought Warrel's vocals were boring, because I find them incredibly awesome and unique.

In this particular post I was referring to the specific track not for his melodies in general. And, also, I said his melodies were boring not his voice.

Although, in general, I do find his melodies are hit or miss. I don't really mind his voice. There are times where I feel like he ruined the song with his melodies ("create the infinite" is always the song that comes to mind with one of the most horrible choruses I've ever heard). Also, it's often that the vocal lines feel really detached from the song and with no structure or rhythm. Like he wrote some random lyrics without ever hearing the music and then sloppily tried to fit them in the song.
Then there are times where his melodies are just awesome and I just forget all of the above.
In the end, though, if it wasn't for Loomis I'm certain I wouldn't really listen to nevermore.

Sorry to bump such an old thread, but this guy sounds like he's saying "I lost my fence inside the sub-marine" @ 2:11? :lol:
I was re-listening to Obsidian today and remembered just how good Matt Smith's version was of this. Matt, Can I download your version anywhere? Or can you post a dropbox link? I'd like to replace the real version with yours in my itunes. ;) Hahaha!
+1 Matt, I hate the original vocals because of your cover ahahaha! Give us some full quality mp3 c'man!
plus one on a high quality version!
I heard Matt's version before the original. Might've been a mistake, it is now impossible for me to get into the original, it sounds so uninspired compared to Matt's.
Definitely. I think Nevermore has a good vocal replacement option if Warrel decides to leave. :)
I'm a big fan of Nevermore, but a huge part of me wants to see what Matt could do with his amazing vocals with a high-caliber player like Loomis.