The Occult and Metal


Nov 19, 2001
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Can anyone explain why the occult figures so prominantely in metal? Countless bands have names lifted from obscure occult references; many bands lyrics are rooted in the occult. I am just wondering why? I have some ideas, but would prefer to hear everyone elses.
A less enlightened person would probably allude to metal's anti-Christian origins and Indo-European spirit, making the occult a prime source of inspiration as "darkness" etc. are the swords to wield against Christian values of beauty and morality and concepts of good and evil, evil being the standpoint taken. :p

That was in jest, for the record.

I think a lot of occult names sound cool, and embody the "feel" the band is attempting to get in their music. For instane, Varg said that he wanted his music to be "dark" as an embodiment of anti-Christian values (go figure). He selected the word meaning "darkness" on the inscription on the ring from Lord of the Rings. A symbol of darkness. A word meaning darkness. Burzum.

Just a guess. Unless you meant something else by "occult."
I don't know why they do it, but I often enjoy it when it happens. The occult interests me and I like seeing mythological references in lyrics and band names--for example, the presence of Norse mythology in Amon Amarth's music. To me it is awesome that traditional beliefs from centuries past are still alive in modern society, and they add an epic feel to the music that incorporates them.

I also find it funny that so many bands have lifted names, etc. from Lord of the Rings...
because of the common intrest into dark mysterious stuff?
to play and act a little bit of evil?
to let something burst out into music that does not belong into one's daily day deeds and behavier?
Or just to pose around with something that feels like intresting?
to release the result of personal researches as a starting point for communications on another level?
to find one's natural root deep down inside?
to hold onto something that makes one's deeds stronger?
some homeworks during a learning process?
one got something to sing about anyway?
Some bands around today have such content/styles because they do believe that following such a style is their "thing". But i think a lot of newer groups simply have an occult feel to them as it's now a sort of way of showing how "metal" your band is. I mean how many newer metal bands actually follow an occult lifestyle or have a wide knowledge of such things. I reckon most just act that way in an attempt to look "cool".
Doesn't really matter to me why they do it, i like the music and the sound of a band. Plus i'd rather they dressed like norse warriors than ganster rapppers any day!
anonymousnick2001 said:
For instane, Varg said that he wanted his music to be "dark" as an embodiment of anti-Christian values (go figure). He selected the word meaning "darkness" on the inscription on the ring from Lord of the Rings. A symbol of darkness. A word meaning darkness. Burzum.

Just a guess. Unless you meant something else by "occult."

Please tell me this is a joke. Is that really what that means, and is that really where it came from, and is that really their idea of occultism?
Does sound a bit odd i must admit.
A band that's supposed to be giving off all this anti-christian feeling taking a name from a fantasy book.
But surely it's just that the word meant what he wanted that is the reason he took it?
It was a rough paraphrase of his commentary, found on a site whose link is posted in the Burzum thread on GMD.
anonymousnick2001 said:
It was a rough paraphrase of his commentary, found on a site whose link is posted in the Burzum thread on GMD.

Well, that also happens to be the case with one of my favorites: Gorgoroth. It's a name that also stems from Tolkien "lore".

It doesn't make them occultists, however, in my eyes.
speed said:
Can anyone explain why the occult figures so prominantely in metal?

Can anyone explain why the occult figures so prominently in Romanticist art, music, and literature?

I think a lot of metal bands want to assoiciate themselves (in most cases on an extremly superficial level) with the occult tradition/culture since it is so esoteric and quite often feared by a lot of people; by adopting names from such traditions I belive many bands hope to confer that sense of mystery upon themselves by refering to it by means of names and the general use of terminology of the tradition.

I also belive that black metal genre with its focus on the "dark" in general and its anti-christian sentiments easily leads to and interest in magic/the occult, instead of the other way around. Mainly because magical practices is often associated with darkness and also because the whole tradition is so thoroughly condemned by the christian church.
infoterror said:
Can anyone explain why the occult figures so prominently in Romanticist art, music, and literature?


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, VERY GOOD QUESTION, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
infoterror said:
Can anyone explain why the occult figures so prominently in Romanticist art, music, and literature?


I don't know, perhaps the same reason Jesus and other Biblical figures pop up often. They are highly dramatic and incite instense emtional reaction.
infoterror said:
Can anyone explain why the occult figures so prominently in Romanticist art, music, and literature?

Hint to morons who can only see the individual, and not argue ideas:

It's bigger than metal. Look further into the question.
what reason have we then for a neo-romanticism? Separation from nature, perhaps? A disproportionate disassociation from spirituality (of self), maybe?

well, those are fine guesses, but why did it start around Black Sabbath era?
Blaphbee said:
Hint to morons who can only see the individual, and not argue ideas:

It's bigger than metal. Look further into the question.

Oh we've all looked further into the question. Infoterror himself has provided the occasion for that very thing in his "indo-european roots of metal" thread. Thanks for the advice but I think some of us know which subjects are barely worthy of even a cursory investigation thnx.