The Odyssey Title Track


Aug 11, 2002
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Who agrees with me that The John-Williams-Movie-soundtrack-pieces backupped with nice heavy guitars and solo's on the Odyssey-Track are just Symply BRILLIANT !!!!! My God I love IT !!!
I hope some day the will release a whole CD with this concept
The acoustic parts make the heavier parts that much more heavy.

They messed up the story a bit, but that's excusable since the original poem was very long. Still would be nice to hear the lyrics to the scenes where they ate Helios's cattle and the lotus-eaters.

You can tell I'm a nerd by my writing of the above :P
Yeah, this song is a beast. And I mean that in a good way. It is an amazing roller coaster ride. I don't know how else to
describe it. Kudos, MJR on your abilities not only as a guitar player but
as an excellent composer and musician. Don't worry, I'm buying the
CD...this CD is a must-have.
but I mean ,

The first three minutes and then that stuff from 16.00 'till 20.00 with the whole orchestra , that's f*ck'n amazing !!! I wanna hear A CD in that style , Metal vs. Movie-soundtrack !! What do you think of that , eej ;)