The offical TIPPING (WTF) thread


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
okay. I simply do not get this.

I just order some wings delivery. for 40 hot wings and 2L Root Beer it costs $29.38 (CDN, of course) including all applicable taxes and delivery fee.

my sister asks me: "do you have enough for a tip?"

I reply: "uhhh..." *reach into pocket* "I've got a dollar"

her: "YOU'RE SO CHEAP! 10%!!!!!!!!"

me: "why do we do this anyway?"

her: "because you're supposed to! They make minimum wage and they have to make more"

me: "well, that's their job. I don't see why we should pay them extra"

her: "But if you don't tip them they'll mess with your food"

me: "If they messed with my food I'd fucking complain."

her: "what if you don't know? have you ever read Fight Club? Because you're so cheap you've probably eaten jizzum before and you haven't even known it."


seriously, is there any REASON at all to tip outside of paranoia that you're going to get a blast of semen in your food if you don't give the delivery guy an extra 10%? My sister and I have gotten in these arguments before.

Do you give cashiers at the grocery store an extra 10% so that the produce staff don't spit in your cauliflower? They also make minimum wage and need the money. The system of tipping is retarded. Is it like this elsewhere in the world or is this just a North American phenomenon?
Tips should be a reward for good service, not something you consider compulsory. If you're at a restaurant and the person brings you three courses and attends to your needs well then they deserve a tip, but if someone drives a car to your house with pizza/chicken/whatever in it then they don't.
Ifurin said:
Tips should be a reward for good service, not something you consider compulsory. If you're at a restaurant and the person brings you three courses and attends to your needs well then they deserve a tip, but if someone drives a car to your house with pizza/chicken/whatever in it then they don't.

Absolutely, I forgot to add that.

If I feel that someone did something up and above beyond what was necessary for their job (or was an EXCELLENT server) I'd be more than happy to give a tip, but as it stands the current mentality that you ALWAYS have to tip regardless of service is rediculous
Tips are only necessary in actual sit-down restaraunts and even then you don't have to go overboard, just give 'em a few bucks because they ACTUALLY do make most of their salary off of tips. People who tip delivery dudes, fast food workers, starbucks people or whatever else are retarded.

Note: Actual restaurant waiters/waitresses make $2.13 an hour here and the rest comes from tips, so if they don't get tipped, that's a pretty shitty job. If you work at Burger King on the other hand your already making $5 whatever minimum wage is.
NicodemiX said:
Absolutely, I forgot to add that.

If I feel that someone did something up and above beyond what was necessary for their job (or was an EXCELLENT server) I'd be more than happy to give a tip, but as it stands the current mentality that you ALWAYS have to tip regardless of service is rediculous

I agree! I agree! Someone agrees with me! :tickled:
NicodemiX said:
seriously, is there any REASON at all to tip outside of paranoia that you're going to get a blast of semen in your food if you don't give the delivery guy an extra 10%?

I wonder if chicks purposely don't tip for that reason? The same way a guy would prefer for a really hot looking girl to sit on his sandwich.
My tip rules are this:

They start at $0. Nothing. If they do a reasonable job, they get a reasonable tip. If they do well, they get a good tip. One time, my buddies and I ran a poor girl ragged, and yet she kept her chin high and was ready for the challenge. I tipped her $8. Not a normal situation, of course, but I think all tipping should work this way.
I usually go 15% for waiters and waitresses, give or take depending on service (shit service gets a few pennies on the table). Bartenders get a buck a drink unless they suck then they get nothing. Starbucks etc. gets my change in that little bin, unless it's one of the state quarters I'm missing. :kickass:

Why tip? Force of habit.
You should always tip bartenders and waiters. They make shit per hour. These people live off tips.

ususally give the pizza guy $2. He walks my pizza 20 feet. I feel my $2 paid for hs gas to get to my house, so that's fair.

I feel the issue of tipping is discussed well at the beginning of Reservior Dogs.
The jist of it: why tip waiters and not the dude that works at Burger King? After all, they both serve you food.

But the discussion has tons of cuss words and Tarantino's signature style.
here ya go:

Okay, everybody cough up green for
the little lady.

Everybody whips out a buck, and throws it on the table.
Everybody, that is, except Mr. White.

C'mon, throw in a buck.

Uh-uh. I don't tip.

Whaddaya mean you don't tip?

I don't believe in it.

You don't believe in tipping?

I love this kid, he's a madman,
this guy.

Do you have any idea what these
ladies make? They make shit.

Don't give me that. She don't
make enough money, she can quit.

Everybody laughs.

I don't even know a Jew who'd have
the balls to say that. So let's
get this straight. You never ever

I don't tip because society says I
gotta. I tip when somebody
deserves a tip. When somebody
really puts forth an effort, they
deserve a little something extra.
But this tipping automatically,
that shit's for the birds. As far
as I'm concerned, they're just
doin their job.

Our girl was nice.

Our girl was okay. She didn't do
anything special.

What's something special, take ya
in the kitchen and suck your dick?

They all laugh.

I'd go over twelve percent for

Look, I ordered coffee. Now we've
been here a long fuckin time, and
she's only filled my cup three
times. When I order coffee, I
want it filled six times.

What if she's too busy?

The words "too busy" shouldn't be
in a waitress's vocabulary.

Excuse me, Mr. White, but the last
thing you need is another cup of

They all laugh.

These ladies aren't starvin to
death. They make minimum wage.
When I worked for minimum wage, I
wasn't lucky enough to have a job
that society deemed tipworthy.

Ahh, now we're getting down to it.
It's not just that he's a cheap

--It is that too--

--It is that too. But it's also
he couldn't get a waiter job. You
talk like a pissed off dishwasher:
"Fuck those cunts and their
fucking tips."

So you don't care that they're
counting on your tip to live?

Mr. White rubs two of his fingers together.

Do you know what this is? It's
the world's smallest violin,
playing just for the waitresses.

You don't have any idea what
you're talking about. These
people bust their ass. This
is a hard job.

So's working at McDonald's, but
you don't feel the need to tip
them. They're servin ya food, you
should tip em. But no, society
says tip these guys over here, but
not those guys over there. That's

They work harder than the kids at

Oh yeah, I don't see them cleaning

These people are taxed on the tips
they make. When you stiff 'em,
you cost them money.

Waitressing is the number one
occupation for female non-college
graduates in this country. It's
the one jab basically any woman
can get, and make a living on.
The reason is because of tips.
Fuck all that.

They all laugh.

Hey, I'm very sorry that the
government taxes their tips.
That's fucked up. But that ain't
my fault. it would appear that
waitresses are just one of the
many groups the government fucks
in the ass on a regular basis.
You show me a paper says the
government shouldn't do that, I'll
sign it. Put it to a vote, I'll
vote for it. But what I won't do
is play ball. And this non-
college bullshit you're telling
me, I got two words for that:
"Learn to fuckin type." Cause if
you're expecting me to help out
with the rent, you're in for a big
fuckin surprise.

He's convinced me. Give me my
dollar back.

Everybody laughs. Joe's comes back to the table.

Okay ramblers, let's get to
rambling. Wait a minute, who
didn't throw in?

Mr. White.

(to Mr. Orange)
Mr. White?
(to Mr. White)

He don't tip.

(to Mr. Orange)
He don't tip?
(to Mr. White)
You don't tip? Why?

He don't believe in it.

(to Mr. Orange)
He don't believe in it?
(to Mr. White)
You don't believe in it?


(to Mr. Orange)
Shut up!
(to Mr. White)
Cough up the buck, ya cheap
bastard, I paid for your goddamn

Because you paid for the
breakfast, I'm gonna tip.
Normally I wouldn't.

Whatever. Just throw in your
dollar, and let's move.
(to Mr. Blonde)
See what I'm dealing with here.
Infants. I'm fuckin dealin with
That scene is so awesome, and whenever someone brings up tipping, first thing I think of is Mr. Pink. Wait, why does that say Mr. White? It's Mr. Pink that doesn't tip!
I always tip 20% in restarants, unless the service is poor. Other people--barbers, pizza guy, etc get less. I think bartenders deserve less tips than even the pizza guy. Don't expect a dollar for taking a cap off a fucking beer. I usually tip them intermittently.
What drives me utterly apeshit is this new expectation of tipping the people that serve you takeout from decent restaraunts. Don't bring my food to the car, don't act like you're waiting on me, just let me come in and collect my fucking dinner.
OK, here's a little knowledge. I used to deliver pizzas and what not. Drivers don't make minimum wage. They make the same as a waiter/waitress. If what they make in tips does not equal out to minimum wage then they will receive the difference on their check. Why tip your delivery guy/girl? Well when i used to do that you do a lot of driving, TONS. Tips go for gas, tires, oil, CLEANING your car. If you live on your own then that extra money is much needed for your own groceries, necessities at home, bills (car insurance, car payments if you have them, rent and utilities etc) So as someone who has done this it was impossible to make ends meet because everyone thinks the same as you guys.
These people count on tips for their own livelihood and not for frivolous spending. It's a shitty job to have because noone seems to think they deserve to be tipped and they end up sinking all the money they do make into their car and still not have enough to live off of. Most of these guys work 10-12 hours a day (if they aren't a student) to get things going for them and still some have to have a 2nd job. So there you go, carry on as you will.

Interesting. I figured delivery guys made the regular minimum wage. Why the restaurants would do a small wage+tips doesn't make much sense as most people figure deliverers don't need tipping. I'd assumed that the company took care of any needs related to the car, including gas. If you have to drive your own car and pay for everything related to it and then make half that of a Burger King counter person, then that is pretty lame.
NicodemiX said:
okay. I simply do not get this.

I just order some wings delivery. for 40 hot wings and 2L Root Beer it costs $29.38 (CDN, of course) including all applicable taxes and delivery fee.

my sister asks me: "do you have enough for a tip?"

I reply: "uhhh..." *reach into pocket* "I've got a dollar"

her: "YOU'RE SO CHEAP! 10%!!!!!!!!"

me: "why do we do this anyway?"

her: "because you're supposed to! They make minimum wage and they have to make more"

me: "well, that's their job. I don't see why we should pay them extra"

her: "But if you don't tip them they'll mess with your food"

me: "If they messed with my food I'd fucking complain."

her: "what if you don't know? have you ever read Fight Club? Because you're so cheap you've probably eaten jizzum before and you haven't even known it."


seriously, is there any REASON at all to tip outside of paranoia that you're going to get a blast of semen in your food if you don't give the delivery guy an extra 10%? My sister and I have gotten in these arguments before.

Do you give cashiers at the grocery store an extra 10% so that the produce staff don't spit in your cauliflower? They also make minimum wage and need the money. The system of tipping is retarded. Is it like this elsewhere in the world or is this just a North American phenomenon?

why tip?

because your lazy ass just got delivery for the same price food as you would going to the store to pick it up yourself.

lazy + cheap = :erk:
