THE OFFICE ... it just rules !!!


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Man ... I haven't seen a funnier sitcom since fucking Cheers was over.
I caught the original British version here and there on BBC America ... but this new US version is jsut as fucking hilarious.

I just hope it lasts, as the humor is fucking typical dry British stuff. The main guy is Steve Carell, the guy who was the weather man in Anchorman and played the news reporter in Bruce Almighty.

Anyway ... all you cubicle rats and Ali G freaks will eat this up. Was LOL the whole half hour.

Check some shit here ...
MetalAges said:
I actually loved it as well! Very quirky but man, pretty hilarious. My wife kept saying "God this is torture to sit through, this show is horrible!" Haha.

this is why I am afraid it might not last ... this is something that would typically be on COmedy Central or some cable channel.

not sure how Middle America will react to this.
oh i wanted to see this....... I live in a cubicle so I'm sure I'd love it

(still haven't seen the BBC version though)
i saw some of it. it looked OK, probably something I would enjoy. still, it's got a long way to go to beat Seinfeld. :D
The problem now is that I'm inevitably going to compare the original with the remake, and of course, I love the original. I thought the remake was just horrible. Sorry. It was just reworked with new actors, but this time seemed forced. The script was pretty much the same (if not identical), as was the direction, but the timing was *just* off. That was the magic of the original.

It's as if the actors just studied the original show and did a karaoke version of it. The lead character gave away too much in the first show - it's supposed to build up to his eccentricities, but I guess the US audience wouldn't want to wait for that.

It all feels very synthetic to me. I'm sure if I hadn't seen the original, I would like it more. Plus all the swearing is gone!
Well, I'm biased. The fact is, both shows are done by the same creators, but at the end of the day, it's British comedy and so it just works better with Brit actors IMO.

Imagine if Blackadder was remade by the yanks? Or if "Life of Brian" was redone in Hollywood. The jokes would be the same, the theme would be identical, but there is just something missing.

With that said, if you've never seen the original "Life of Brian", I wonder if you'd like the remake? Not having to compare certainly helps.

I'm just a big advocate of seeing the originals before the yanks get their grubby mitts all over them. It's like you've reincarnated something from the dead, it's alive and well....but the soul remains in the grave. :loco:
I still say, I never thought the original was funny...god knows how the Americans could improve it...
JK ... the pilot last night was a "remake" of the original UK pilot.
Subsequent episodes will be all original.

Tell me that shit on the VIDEO page where they post different races on their foreheads is not the funniest shit. :D

I saw a trailer for this...'s blasphemy. You Americans ruin all our stuff

we gave you Wheel of Fortune ... be happy :D :loco:
lurch70 said:
JK ... the pilot last night was a "remake" of the original UK pilot.
Subsequent episodes will be all original.

That's a good thing I guess. That also means you should see all the original British episodes since the storylines won't conflict.

Tell me that shit on the VIDEO page where they post different races on their foreheads is not the funniest shit. :D

Yeah, it was really good. There were a bunch of quick moments that were funny, but for the most part, the similarities killed it for me. Next episode should be better if it's a completely new script.

The real question is, why remake something that's so utterly perfect to begin with? It's not even as if you have to change the language. I would even accept a 'beep' over the swearing since it's a 'documentary' anyway.

'kin yanks.
There are some things that shouldn't be remade with Americans - Monty Python, Blackadder, Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrells, The Office.

But yeah, that logic might only count if you're a fan of the originals....I'm sure there's a whole generation of people who wouldn't know the difference.

That reminds me, has anyone ever seen the remake of Get Carter with Sylvester Stallone? What did they do??? You can't replace Michael Caine! Especially not with Rocky. :loco:
this thing will not last on NBC for sure ... most people won't get it and it will end up on cable ... or cancelled .. mark my words.