The official FIFA World Cup Deutschland 2006 Thread

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
Well, post here all ye comments concerning the soccer worl cup, which is getting closer everytime.

HAHA LOL :lol: please notice the teams of the first game:

Costa Rica vs. Deutschland (Germany)

Ahhhhh, we "ticos" (Costa Ricans in Costa Rican :p ), are going to kick some serious German ass.

No seriously.

What? Why are you giving me that look?

I'm being honest here!

I mean, we only lost 2 - 0 against Catalunia, 4 - 0 against Ukraine and 1 - 0 aginst Chech Republic.

That doesn't say how were going to play in the World Cup (WC) :rolleyes: :p .

It's all a scam we planned in order to make the world think (specifically Germans) that we suck.

No, really.

What's with that look?!?

Just kidding hehe.

Now, being serious here, even though "la sele" (the way we CRns call our team) improved quite a lot against Chech Republic (we only lost by one goal, and the referee didn't call two penalties for us :ill: :heh: , so we should've have won in theory), we still are not up tp par against teams like Germany.

Poland or Ecuador don't worry me, I think those games can be won, but man, the initial game in the WC (hehe) against Germany and we have to play it.

Boy, are we gonna get our asses kicked our what?

Ah, poor Costa Rica. Oh well, no problemo, I go with Germany, so I'm sure that we'll win :p .

After our victory, I'll go to a bar with a German shirt, and yell: CR sucks!!! All hail Deutschland!!! in German. Then I'll be killed.

Just kidding.

I'll go and say:

PROST!!!! :kickass:

Well, post yer comments here :headbang: :kickass: :heh: .

Tschuss :wave:
As someone from the USofA, I know there is not too much interest here.
Of course I would like the US to do good.
I'm actually a fan of the Netherlands.
A friend from Holland has sent me a cap and scarf of the Dutch Team.
So let's go ORANGE -
Being English, I have to talk about Wayne Rooney. Without him fit we don't stand the slightest chance of going all the way; with him fit, we stand the slightest chance. I'll go ahead and predict yet another quarter-final exit for us either way. Paraguay and Trinidad & Tobago should cause no problems, and I have a sneaking suspicion we might actually beat Sweden for the first time in forever.

As for the winners: I don't think Germany have enough quality even with home advantage, and Italy have been naff for ages. Brazil and Argentina are always dangerous, but though it pains me to say this, I think France will come out on top.
Oh, no, not France, i think that they had their share of winning tournaments and i don't see them win this one. I don't see Germany winning either for that matter. I'm sorry about England but with Rooney injured and Owen useless i just can't see who will score the goals, and they looked so promising a couple of months ago, i believe England has the best middle line in the tournament.
Maybe Netherlands will actually do something this year and there is always Brasil.
Hehe, was about time, I cant wait for it to start. As for my predictions - World Cup is always very tricky - you have players from all over the world forming the best teams in the best leagues, but that doesnt mean that when they all get together in their national teams, theyll be equally good. England has some great players, but as a team they suck. I would say the same about Italy, Germany, Spain and France. Id go for Brazil and Ill also keep my fingers crossed for Czech Republic, for obvious reasons (they are also very strong as a team, and, based on last Euro, they can actually go quite far).
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
I mean, we only lost 2 - 0 against Catalunia, 4 - 0 against Ukraine and 1 - 0 aginst Chech Republic.

That doesn't say how were going to play in the World Cup (WC)

At least your team made it to the World Cup, not like mine :mad:

I havent followed football for ages (when i was in the US, no footbal on tv)
and I havent watched a lot of games since I came back.
But I hope France will not win:heh:
I think Italy will be heavily influenced (in a negative way) by all the chaos we have heredue to the huge scandal of fixed-scores, underground bets and so on.. I support Italy but I don't think that they have any chance at all, despite being at least the third best national team... If Italy goes out, then I'll support for the Swedish team!
No, Sweden won everything this year in ice-hockey, if they would by some miracle also become the world football champions, that would be too much! :D

That scandal in Italy is pretty tough, I heard Juve can be kicked out to some 3rd league or what. Buffon looks like an asshole now, and if he is guilty he deserves the worst, I really liked him as a player. On the other hand, be glad that it all came out, here in Slovakia everybody knows that some matches are sold, and they pay the referees even in some shitty district leagues, but nobody does anything.
Dark_Silence said:
At least your team made it to the World Cup, not like mine :mad:

I havent followed football for ages (when i was in the US, no footbal on tv)
and I havent watched a lot of games since I came back.
But I hope France will not win:heh:

Hehe true, but I they got there because a series of fortunate events, they didn't desrve to go IMO.

Someone care to explain in Italy?

Hmmmm maybe I'll go with Sweden or Netherlands instead of Germany. I'd go with Italy but since Roberto di Baggio missed that penalty I haven't gone with them.

Anyway, I hope Brzil doesn't win,
The scandal in Italy - several teams were investigated because of the suspicions of influencing the results of the matches and betting. It seems that almost 2/3 of the matches Juve played were sold. Buffon is one of the suspects because he used to bet a lot, although he claims he has quit with it.
well.. I explain it a bit more detailed so for people who don't know the exact situation understand better.

the whole thing came up when a few newspapers published some wiretappings of Moggi (Juve's General Manager) talking with some high authorities of the refery association. It seems that Moggi controlled the way referees were assigned to every single match, so to have a good percentage of control on how some matches would end. This thing was the start. Then the thing about the illegal bets came up afterwards, when Buffon was accused of having placed very high bets on matches of Serie A and even of Juventus (which of course is illegal). He totally denied this and told his only bets were on the Premier League matches (which is legal). Anyway, after all these things came up, many other teams were caught into this and started being accused of selling matches and so on, so the scandal grew bigger and bigger day after day.

that's more or less my best synthesis of the whole situation.
OK! Who wins! Sweden will get "kicked out" in the 8:th's and Germany will win... First bet:

Tritonus: Germany
I think Brazil will win, but I'm holding my fists for England and Netherlands and I'll also keep an eye on Croatia and Serbia (although imo they're gay).
I'm German and i'm not very football-interested, but of course the world cup is a bit interesting. I think maybe Germany will be beaten by some ridiculous little country and everybody will take the piss out of them, especially the Bild-Zeitung (sth. like the British Sun newspaper). As I will be in Spain when the final game takes place, I would really like the final Germany - Spain :D (I don't know if that's even possible because of the groups etc., but i would appreciate it).
What else happens in the world cup is not of my interest so much. But sure I will follow the games and results and everything.
I agree with LaRocque, but instead of England, Id say Czech Republic. And my bet is Brazil, although it will be a hard way, because their group isnt very easy.
La Rocque said:
Here's my prediction for the final four teams
Netherlands, France, Brazil, England
I'm not going to say Brazil will win it all, that's too easy -

Hmmm that sounds pretty accurate, but instead of England put Costa Rica.


Well enough of that. I agree with Marduk about Czech Rep. instead of England, although they weren't thatgood. At least not against CR. Although I don't like to say this, England will do a pretty bad job IMO.