World Cup 2006

Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City
Anyone watch The WC2006? I was able to watch every game, just as I did back in ole '94 (and I went to a bunch in person.) Don't know how many football (soccer) fans we have here, but oh well I've been playing for over 23 years now ;)

I had to root for France. I know, I figured they would have just conceded at the beginning of the game..but I HATE the Italians!! The Italty vs. USA game was a pile of shit (like the US team) I've always been against the whole theatrical dramatics found in soccer, aka the faggot diving acting like a fairy shit.

I wanted Czech. Rep. to win considering I'm Czech..but oh well they blew it EARLY. The USA was never an option, I just had hoped for a 2nd round birth and more than ONE actual own goal (our 1 was pretty nice though!) Then my all time fav's Holland fuckin sucked balls and blew out early.

At least no South American teams won, that is always a plus.

BUT..anyways.. CONGRATS ITALY! I hate yall, but good job winning the cup and only conceding 2 goals!! :rock:

Overall, I thought the cup was kick ass. Better than 2002.
I thought the Czechs would do better than this (but then again I thought lard-ass Ronaldo and the Brazilians would reach the semis).

After the stupid shit Zidane did I could live with the divers winning. Someone as experienced as him should be much cooler.
Czechs sucked and they got pretty much what they deserved! They were too happy to have defeated the US, they underestimated the following games bad!
I was pissed off after the finals, I didn't want Italy to win. But the game was entertaining to say the least.
Those greasy, crybaby cunts should never have got past the Socceroos. We were robbed. That whole tournament refs were fucking us over at any given opportunity. FIFA is the most corrupt cesspit of an organisation in the world.
Saucy_Jack said:
Those greasy, crybaby cunts should never have got past the Socceroos. We were robbed. That whole tournament refs were fucking us over at any given opportunity. FIFA is the most corrupt cesspit of an organisation in the world.


The ref's were TERRIBLE!! Zidane did do something stupid, and its a shame it ended like that for him. Last night I was playing a match and this guy crushed the side of my face with his elbow. Of course right then I was thinking "Next time this nigga gets the ball I am going to destroy him." But then my 2 goals and 3 assists I had against his team made me just shake it off and continue the ass whooping.
TheAssMaster said:
Fact - The USA took 20 shots at goal, 4 of which were on target.
Hmmmmm, best stick to wasting ragheads, far better at that!!!

I take 20 shots at goal every game I play. In retrospect, the performance was disgraceful. I never liked Claudio Reyna. I played against him at UVA once, and I wasnt impressed then (1994) nor now.
gaschamber said:
the headbutt was cool tho.

Yep, that kicked ass. I love it when sports get violent and the soccer riots can be pretty cool too. Hockey fights are still the best in my opinion. Can you imagine trying to knock someone out while on iceskates? That takes talent.