OT: The Official UMOS World Cup Thread


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Since mostly evereybody on this board have a team on the World Cup (even USA) I guess is time we vent some of our pride/frustration by talking about the matches, etc.

Everything goes but insults/injury, so kick the ball!

Germany beat 4-2 Costa Rica, I was expecting a major blitzkrieg so the result was actually better. In anycase the craze over here due to the damn matches is insane, the country has major problems right now and we don't need bread and circuses (well bread we do need).
Can you believe the government issued a permit for state institutions and schools not to work on the morning due to the match? Even my company give permisssion for 2 h for the people to go and see the match on a giant screen they put in the gym. LUDICROUS!
I bet nothing of this nonsense happens in your country (at least with government endorsement), of course there be always hardcore fans that will skip work or anything to see a match.

In other order of things I'm going with Argentina :D, so I guess I will have to see Hawk with a wrong eye :lol: since we are on the same group and Holland will probably go to look for the revenge on the 78 final.

OK, enough from me go for your own rant :p

NP: Flotsam & Jetsam - 'Doomsday fo The Deceiver'
As You all know, I think "soccer" in unwatchable...
The game seems eternal, it's like ping pong on a
grass field... if the score can end after 90 minutes
at "0 to 0" then what the fuck is that?! Then they play on until there is a winner?! No thank you...
And what is up with the rioting and throwing shit at people?!
Don't answer that...
I don't wanna know...
Wyvern said:
Can you believe the government issued a permit for state institutions and schools not to work on the morning due to the match? Even my company give permisssion for 2 h for the people to go and see the match on a giant screen they put in the gym. LUDICROUS!
I bet nothing of this nonsense happens in your country (at least with government endorsement), of course there be always hardcore fans that will skip work or anything to see a match.

Our local council has seen fit to errect a big screen tv for viewing of the games in a shopping precinct that is normally difficult to navigate at the best of times and not only that they had a bunch of cheerleaders taking up half of the space today. I think it's disgusting when our local schools have trouble providing enough books for the children to write in that money should be wasted on something like this. Almost everyone can watch the games at home and those that can't can watch them at the pub.
Soccer, what's that ??? oh, yeah, football with a round ball and no helmets...Soccer has become a shade of what is was 20 years ago..than there were real football stars, now European football has become a money factory and gambling maffia has taken over in several country's.

Anyway, Wyvern, I'mm gonna support Costa Rica all the way, beat them Dutch suckers !!!!! (they are way over-enthousiastic of their football, that whole damn Dutch country is full of TV screens and stuff, hehe, even Hawk hates it when football takes over in Holland !!)
I'll be supporting Croatia as usual and of course every African team; Sweden gets the traditional anti-support from us here.:kickass:
A USA-Iran match is something I'd like to see too! :Smokedev:

Nothing's going to stop Brazil steamrolling its way to victory though, I'm afraid.
Cool thread! Especially after all us US types had our threads about American Football.

I like sports for many of the same reasons I like music -- it's an escape. For a few hours you can leave everything else behind and concentrate on the game. There's been more than a few times when I've mixed the two.
Wyvern said:
I bet nothing of this nonsense happens in your country (at least with government endorsement), of course there be always hardcore fans that will skip work or anything to see a match.

In other order of things I'm going with Argentina :D, so I guess I will have to see Hawk with a wrong eye :lol: since we are on the same group and Holland will probably go to look for the revenge on the 78 final.

OK, enough from me go for your own rant :p

I think The Steelers were eliminated early. Starting nose tackle casey Hampton fainted after running up and down the field twice.

In all seriousness, I certainly am pulling for team USA, but if they don't block, tackle and try to break quarterbacks in half, it isn't "football" to me.

Scotland's not in the World Cup this year either - obviously because they couldn't kick their way out of a paperbag they are that SHITE:lol: !!!!! Anyway I don't bother much with football but I quite like the World Cup. I really really want USA to win because I've got a bet on if they win the World Cup I pick up £1,300 and if they come second I get half that amount, which will be spent widely on buying loads of concert tickets:kickass: . It would be quite good if England win but I don't really think they are good enough to win it, although I know aboslutely heehaw about football. I watched the England game yesterday and the Holland one today, so I'm enjoying it so far. USA play first game tomorrow so will be glued to the box and crossing everything hoping they win!!!
tsorl said:
A USA-Iran match is something I'd like to see too! :Smokedev:

Yeah we were discussing that one yesterday. I'm anti-Iran so I even supported Mexico today (and I don't like Mexico). Will be neat anyway to see US playing a real team sport not like baseball or American football which are slow and boring like hell :heh: (I love you Swine :p ).

I want to see Italy and Brazil and their proposal for this Cup, I guess again the three big ones are going to dispute the final in one permutation or another.

I came severely dissapointed with my team after the game against Cote de Ivoire. The latter dominated more and they deserved to win but they couldn't achieved the goal properly (except for the last one of the match). Aregentina was boring, slow and uneffective to get a real pass sequence nevertheless they made two scores.

And England-Paraguay was shameful, the English were so useless that the Praguayns scored for them :lol:, pathetic if you asked me I. I was also surprised by the non-goal tie of Sweden-Trinidad, I was expecting more form the Swedish team (even if Costa Rica vanquish them in the 2002 Cup I believe).

And Holland beat Serbia/Montenegro by 1-0 and I'm waiting for them to go against Argentina to see what's coming?

NP: Tyr - 'Ten Wild Dogs'
Football/soccer bores the hell out of me, yet it's almost an institution...

The worst part is when you go to work where all your (male) collegues talk about the game and you're the only one that don't give a flyin' fuck :lol: :err:

Give me NBA any day :p
Wyvern said:
Since mostly evereybody on this board have a team on the World Cup (even USA) I guess is time we vent some of our pride/frustration by talking about the matches, etc.

Everything goes but insults/injury, so kick the ball!

Germany beat 4-2 Costa Rica, I was expecting a major blitzkrieg so the result was actually better. In anycase the craze over here due to the damn matches is insane, the country has major problems right now and we don't need bread and circuses (well bread we do need).
Can you believe the government issued a permit for state institutions and schools not to work on the morning due to the match? Even my company give permisssion for 2 h for the people to go and see the match on a giant screen they put in the gym. LUDICROUS!
I bet nothing of this nonsense happens in your country (at least with government endorsement), of course there be always hardcore fans that will skip work or anything to see a match.

In other order of things I'm going with Argentina :D, so I guess I will have to see Hawk with a wrong eye :lol: since we are on the same group and Holland will probably go to look for the revenge on the 78 final.

OK, enough from me go for your own rant :p

NP: Flotsam & Jetsam - 'Doomsday fo The Deceiver'

OMFG.. ur going for argentina over CR? ... :OMG: ... if you have any hair left on your body im going to "nair" it for saying that lol jk .. im rooting for CR all the way even if they lost... and i'll tell you why... because in the past i didnt care much for CR till about 5 or 6 years ago when i started visiting CR on a yearly basis on my vacation... i was totally americanized before then but wanted to know my roots more so now i try to be patriotic to both countries (US and CR) though things that are happening in the US lately are pissing me off like gas prices, trying to make english the official language and not recognize that we are a nation of different people and is what makes us unique and such, stereotyping all illegal immigrants as being hispanic/latin descent etc. when there are illegal immigrants here from Europe and such as well.. etc.. anyways dont get me started on politics lol i tend to piss this board off with my views because i dont go with the status quo on anything.. but anyways i do wish/hope CR wins the title or one of the top 3 teams.... :kickass:
Wyvern said:
Yeah we were discussing that one yesterday. I'm anti-Iran so I even supported Mexico today (and I don't like Mexico). Will be neat anyway to see US playing a real team sport not like baseball or American football which are slow and boring like hell :heh: (I love you Swine :p ).

OOOooooo....Why you casa frikin crumb a lickin frikin frokken no good varmint !!!

I have to agree with you on baseball though. I Love to play it, but I would rather watch the grass grow. I will convert you one day though.
