The Official First Impressions/Updates/Reviews of this year's ProgPower

Hey it was good meeting you this weekend. This is Mark from Overlorde.

In the past, be it PPUSA or other show/venues, I share your same frustration with lead guitar or vocals missing or being way under mixed. But I must say, this year I had no issues. True I didn't see every song by every band, but what I did see was generally fine. And I even stood in different locations.

The only issue I remember was, I believe, during Storm Warrior. The first few songs you could not hear the lead guitarist on the right at all. But after two songs they figured it out and he was fine. I was standing on the floor on his side of the stage.

I complimented Glenn on the sound at one point even.

Saw some of Leaves Eyes, Nocturnal Rites and Delain sets... Liv's voice is much stronger and the band were very tight live. Delain same thing, the singer is beautiful and has an equally beautiful voice, and NR were solid.

Now.. the problem, and sorry to step on some toes here, but I am basically fed up with the poor job most of the P.A. guys do at PP. When I see a guitarist flying 100mph on the fretboard, and can't hear a f@$%ing thing they're playing, I get pi$. I mean, why should a band go to the trouble of preparing for and flying over here to perform, if their set isn't mixed properly? Why should their chances of being received properly, be compromised by the live sound? The P.A. guy for NR was especially bad... whether it was their guy or whoever... he was shit. I had to leave or else I would've been escorted out for confronting him. If NR were playing on TV I would expect the guitar solos to not be heard, but live concert P.A. guys aren't supposed to be that out of touch with the actualities of sound. Way too much bass, too much drums sometimes, not enough volume on the vocals, and sure as hell not enough volume of the guitars and especially the guitar solos. And no, my ears aren't shot (yet). I hear and understand all frequencies equally.

The LEAD instruments are meant to be the main instruments heard by the crowd! The other parts are backup to accentuate the lead parts. Sorry, but I am really fed up with too much bass and drums and not enough leads. It's just wrong and I've had enough of it for one lifetime.
Unfortunately we missed most of the early bands; didn't make Wednesday at all and only caught Accept on Thursday...which I must say absolutely cleaned house. I'm not saying that some of the other bands that played didn't stomp ass, but IMHO that was THE benchmark performance of the entire weekend. They played a great set that Accept fans of every level appreciated, and man oh man, Wolf Hoffmann still reigns supreme. Every fan there got their faces melted off and even the rock stars in attendance got metal-schooled, straight up. I think my eyebrows are still smoking from that show. Getting to meet Wolf was a huge deal to me as well, as he's one of my top three favorite guitarists (one of Jon's faves too). And I'll say it: He's still pretty cute. :-p

Friday again saw us missing the first few bands due to other commitments, although a big thank you goes out to Leaves' Eyes for whatever happened that delayed the rest of the roster's performances; actually gave us roughly an hour of bands/schmoozing that we otherwise would have missed. Caught the tail end of Tyr's set; I wasn't familiar with their music before, but I liked what I heard although i can see how it could grow tedious if it's not your bag. Had more fun backstage swilling vodka with their guitarist, which I decided makes me an honorary Viking. Now where's my horned hat...
Nocturnal Rites did a really great job; they're just an all-around solid band, big wall of sound, lots of energy and good crowd response. One of the bands I was very much looking forward to. Sad that they weren't able to do their encore, but shit happens... And then there was Kamelot. Embarrassingly enough, I have never seen Kamelot live before. *hangs head in self-imposed prog exile* So in one sense I was sad that Kahn wasn't a part of it, but then again, Michael Erikson did a great job. So he biffed a vocal part. Big fuckin' deal. Anyone who uses that as a reason to knock the set is a jackass, pure and simple. I also must say that I was very impressed with Elise in a corset, black leggings and a glittery mask...haha ;-) Good set, glad they played some Black Halo, and even though I was under the stage for March of Mephisto, I was supremely stoked to hear it.

Friday night's highlight for me though was the afterparty at the Artmore: Midnight at 3:30am. Seems to be a growing tradition since the passing of the late Mad Hatter... Michael (and Ivan of Illusion Suite briefly) and myself spend three house in poor Frode's room singing all sorts of stuff, ending with my performances of a few relatively unknown Midnight tunes: Love Song, Cold Caves, Windows and Plastic Jesus. There was much ado about laughter and tears, and I think it was a very powerful, emotional, and fun night for all involved. The entire bottle of Captain Morgan's Private Reserve suffered a much worse fate...we killed that fucker in less than two hours. Ha!

Saturday, once again, I missed out... Jon was signing autographs around 5pm which I'm sure was a lot of fun; I was at a photo shoot so I missed it. However he has promised to sign one of my boobs later today, so I'm okay with it. :-p Delain was the first band I arrived for. Ladies of metal, I implore thee: You can take 2 hours to get ready to go to the mall. Not to play PPUSA. ;-) I kid...but honestly, while I think that their music was solid, well-performed and quite good, I think that the issues people are pointing out in this forum are less about the caliber of the singing, and more about the style. Delain is a great example of this: Charlotte's voice is inarguably great; it's clear, beautiful and unwavering in consistency and tone...angelic, clean, innocent... However, that kind of voice works for maybe three songs when backed by a heavy metal band, not all of them. And this is just my opinion; I'm a vocalist myself of a quite different style, but don't get me wrong: I adore the women who have gotten onstage to do this music. It's just that some ladies choose borrow the balls of their band mates as well. ;-) Tarot sounded good from afar, but unfortunately that was during the imbibery and so I missed most of their set as well.
Sadly we missed the first several songs of Hammerfall's set, but this was due to the UNBELIEVABLE performance in the stairwell backstage. Myself, Michael Erikson, and several other vocalists from the fest (I'm sorry, but Budweiser won't permit me to remember their names at the moment..sorry...) were singing everything under the sun. The fact that all of us were able to harmobize so well was mindblowing; it really was a special moment. Songs included Cyndi Lauper's True Colors, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, Toto's Africa, Bon Jovi's Bed Of Roses and Living On A Prayer, and a healthy sprinkling of Dio, Maiden, Damn Yankees, Alannah Myles and Tom Petty. I know that quite a few people including Glenn got video of this, so if you, dear reader, happen to be one of them, contact me asap because I would love copies. :-)
We finally made it up for the rest of Hammerfall's set, who also seemed to have the foggers up to 11, and it was just awesome. Say what you will-- they're a good band with a fun set and we had a blast. I have a bit of Slayer Neck this afternoon still.
The rest of the evening found us jamming out in the courtyard of the Artmore, but nothing compared to that stairwell concert. I don't just say that because I was part of it, was really phenomenally beautiful a capella.

Super stoked about Sanctuary, Eldritch and Mob Rules next year... Glenn, you godamned parrot-head, you did it again...three cheers for another memorable and asskicking Prog Power USA.

We'll see some of you at Crimson Glory's headlining set for the Pathfinder Metalfest in Atlanta Novdember 6th, and the rest of you we'll catch up with next year.
So, did Tony La Russa, Manager of the Cardinals really drop by for Hammerfall ? or is this some type of joke :)....I mean, I can't see him as a metal fan, but I guess stranger things have happened.....

If it's a joke, someone please explain, as I don't get it, hehe...


So, did Tony La Russa, Manager of the Cardinals really drop by for Hammerfall ? or is this some type of joke :)....I mean, I can't see him as a metal fan, but I guess stranger things have happened.....

If it's a joke, someone please explain, as I don't get it, hehe...
All I have to say is thank you bringing Tarot here. My inspiration and enthusiasm is out the roof, I need to play music!!
I never seen such a high energy show like them, Zac was everything I expected, so full of life and tricks. He is funny, saw me off the side stuck his tongue out heehee! Just bummed cos all their extra time was eaten up from the Delain setup, we didn't get to share fisu.
They had to run to catch their next ride to Mexico. I hope they come back someday, to LA at least.
Well what's more than that is that prior to last night, I had only heard a couple of samples that didn't impress me so I wrote them off as being a band I probably wouldn't enjoy, but I gave them a shot, and I'm sold. Definitely going to be picking up some more of their material. If I hadn't already blown my cash wad prior to that, I would have grabbed up some merch.

When I went the last couple of years there's always been a band or two like that for me...where I wasn't into them beforehand and ended up loving them. IX it was Saint Deamon and Mustasch and for X it was Future's End.
So, did Tony La Russa, Manager of the Cardinals really drop by for Hammerfall ? or is this some type of joke :)....I mean, I can't see him as a metal fan, but I guess stranger things have happened.....

If it's a joke, someone please explain, as I don't get it, hehe...

It's not a joke. He was upset about the Cardinals' loss against the Braves. He told Glenn that his wife and daughter were big metalheads and suggested he go see Hammerfall to let off some steam and agression! Ha!

It's not a joke. He was upset about the Cardinals' loss against the Braves. He told Glenn that his wife and daughter were big metalheads and suggested he go see Hammerfall to let off some steam and agression! Ha!


Wow, that's pretty cool....thanks for the info.
I went Wends and Thurs, and every thing was amazing.....

Illusion Suite - very good stuff... loved the set
Blackguard -not my thing however, had the same energy as Saboton or Brainstorm from PP5 WOW loved it.. it was like being hit by a truck and liking it.....
Leaves Eyes -not my thing at all....boring....
Seventh Wonder -LIFE CHANGING... for me it was something two years in the making. and they delivered
Tyr - Break time, missed a few songs, but super fun set.......
Nocturnal Rites - Amazing, super tight set....
Kamelot - not a big Kamalot fan, but the special set was very cool....


Gold BAdge Seventh Wonder set: one of the best moments of my life... period....

Stormwarrior: Not my thing at all, I actually Napped.
Oceans of Sadness: Intresting, but boring.......
DGM: Awesome set.
Delain:She is so hott.... Great Set, sure made a beliver out of me
Tarot: Did nothing for me!!!!!!!!!!!! YAWN!!
Hammerfall: I was so Tired but they sucked the rest of the energy out of me, amazing set.......
Am I the only one here that is confused by this whole topic? I guess my question is who are these guys and if it is himm: WHY? Not hating here, just curious.

If you had clicked the link, you would have seen the caption:

"Tommy and Glenn with St. Louis Cardinals manager, Tony La Russa in the lobby prior to Hammerfall's set!"
I went Wends and Thurs, and every thing was amazing.....

Illusion Suite - very good stuff... loved the set
Blackguard -not my thing however, had the same energy as Saboton or Brainstorm from PP5 WOW loved it.. it was like being hit by a truck and liking it.....
Leaves Eyes -not my thing at all....boring....
Seventh Wonder -LIFE CHANGING... for me it was something two years in the making. and they delivered
Tyr - Break time, missed a few songs, but super fun set.......
Nocturnal Rites - Amazing, super tight set....
Kamelot - not a big Kamalot fan, but the special set was very cool....


Gold BAdge Seventh Wonder set: one of the best moments of my life... period....

Stormwarrior: Not my thing at all, I actually Napped.
Oceans of Sadness: Intresting, but boring.......
DGM: Awesome set.
Delain:She is so hott.... Great Set, sure made a beliver out of me
Tarot: Did nothing for me!!!!!!!!!!!! YAWN!!
Hammerfall: I was so Tired but they sucked the rest of the energy out of me, amazing set.......

I wasn't there for either set (since I wasn't in Atlanta this year) but I'm curious, how did the two Seventh Wonder sets differ?
Am I the only one here that is confused by this whole topic? I guess my question is who are these guys and if it is himm: WHY? Not hating here, just curious.

Did you not read my post above yours??

how did the two Seventh Wonder sets differ?

They repeated a few songs. I don't remember the exact setlists but the second set they started off with acoustic for Tears for a Father and One Last Goodbye (which was amazing). Did a song from become that hadn't been played in 5 years. Finished off with Edge of My Blade
It's good to hear that from most people so far that OoS stole the show. I was expecting that to happen.

At the Artmore courtyard on Thursday night, this guy came up to the table we were standing around and asked if he could set his drink there and stand for a bit. Turns out he was the lead singer for Oceans. He was really cool, and he and Jeremy Hallum and I spoke about beer for a bit (go figure). He said that it was their first time in the states, and was a bit worried whether his band would fit in. I did not know much about them, so I couldn't really say one way or the other, but we tried to let him know all was well regardless.

It turns out that I really liked their set, and the question of whether they fit in was answered easily: they had a keyboard player, and their bass had five strings. Of COURSE they fit in!! :lol:
My comments on the bands:

Seven Kingdoms - put on a fun, enthusiastic show. They're like a much better version of Power Symphony. Vocalist has what is probably the most "bubbly" personality in metal, LOL! And that's not a complaint.

Vangough - well-done stuff from the Pain of Salvation school. Liked it, but got bored with it about halfway through.

Ross the Boss - I mostly listened to this for the old Manowar covers, which were decent. The rest was decent as well, if not really all that interesting to me. I didn't stay for the entire set.


Six Minute Century - started off what was, for me, the most solid night of the weekend. Nice and heavy, catchy, and well-played.

Borealis - I don't remember a whole lot, specifically, about them, except that they were fun and I really enjoyed seeing them.

Leprous - the surprise band of the weekend for me. Since the original announcement during last year's ProgPower, I did not check out ANY of the bands with whom I was previously unfamiliar (this applies to the main fest as well as the Wed/Thurs shows). I didn't know what to expect from this band. In a nutshell: Mixing different musical styles FTW!!!!!! Plus they were nice and heavy and extremely tight. Bring these guys back for the main fest!

Accept - despite their extremely long career and presence in the metal scene, I had only ever heard a couple songs by them. I didn't know their material at all, but I had a great time, and it's obvious that they did too. Thank goodness for them having a good replacement vocalist, so I didn't have to listen to Udo gargle glass for an hour.


Illusion Suite - I made it in for all of about one minute of their show. Not because they were bad, but because I couldn't see where I was going in the main room. Literally... I could not see my hand in front of my face; I couldn't see the stairs with their reflective white tape, and I kept running into people in seats, thinking I had made it to the aisle. After about a minute of this, I gave up and went back out to the lobby. (In retrospect, I didn't have this problem at any other time throughout the weekend, but I never used this same door again. Maybe that was the problem.) Anyway... what I heard of them was pretty standard prog, although I wouldn't be able to give any truly "informed" comments about them.

Blackguard - tried to watch their set with an open mind. Pretty run-of-the-mill for their genre. Heavy, but not interesting. Skipped most of them.

Leaves' Eyes - I've never been a fan of the beauty & beast bands like these. I watched them a little on the monitor, and decided they weren't something I had to see.

Seventh Wonder - these guys will become a PPUSA fan favorite, alongside the likes of Vanden Plas, Kamelot, Pagan's Mind, and Circus Maximus. However, the "fan favorites" around these parts don't usually do as much for me as they do for all of you. ;) Watched two songs by them, and they seemed tight, and they really knew what they were doing. Good band, but just not my thing. I skipped the rest of them because I had dinner plans.

TYR - I came in to them about halfway. More (viking?/folk?/pagan?) metal. I've seen them at Paganfest, and they did very little for me. This time, they were a little more interesting -- more power-y and not just folk-y -- but, again, I just don't enjoy this type of stuff.

Nocturnal Rites - now we're talking! Great setlist. Excellent energy. A few mistakes here and there, but they have new members so this is to be expected. Glad I got to enjoy seeing them a second time finally. :)

Kamelot - I am not a fan of their music on disc, but I have always enjoyed seeing them live. Mikael was outstanding in the role of Roy Khan; it's a shame they had to cancel the tour. Band had lots of energy.


Seventh Wonder GB show - I wasn't planning on going to this, but I was up, and I wasn't busy, and I wanted to see what all the fuss had been about the night before. They did some cool accoustic stuff before launching into an electric set. Apparently, they played some songs that they haven't played live in a long time (or ever?), which probably means more to the longtime fans than it does to me. It was good. They are talented, for sure. I'm glad I went, and it was totally cool of them to give this special performance.

Stormwarrior - well-played, fun metal show. I decided I would hold my enthusiasm for this sort of thing until Hammerfall's set. I'm old, after all, and I have limited quantities of energy. :)

Oceans of Sadness - heavy, intense, and dark. Liked it!

DGM - listened to a few songs of theirs and ducked out for some dinner. Not as heavy as I was expecting, based on other people's descriptions of their newer material, and I was never a fan of their older stuff.

Delain - I didn't know what to expect from them, but I am a sucker for the female-fronted pop-y metal. This is that, and therefore, I liked it. They were heavier than I would have thought, and Charlotte has lots of power. Marco kicks ass!!!!

Tarot - blacked out during their set. HA! No I didn't. I felt like a bad sponsor, though, because I hadn't yet heard their latest album. :) Loved the new stuff, loved the old stuff ("Crawlspace" FTW!!!!!!), loved Marco and Tommi's on-stage antics (if we ever bring Morgana Lefay, expect more goofy stuff like this). Got to hear my favorite Tarot song, "Rider of the Last Day", which I never thought would happen. And I got to see it from the photo pit, five feet from Tommi's crotch. :lol: All in all, as a sponsor, I think I got everything I wanted here. :) Band of the weekend!

Hammerfall - not being familiar with any of their stuff outside of Legacy of Kings, I was planning to stay and watch about half of their set. I ended up not only staying for the whole damn thing, but also drawing upon energy reserves I didn't know I still had after Tarot's set. Although a lot of people consider them "cheese", this kind of metal really gets my adrenaline pumping. Extremely fun, and I actually KNEW a couple of the songs. :) LET THE HAMMER FALL!!!!!!

All I have to say is thank you bringing Tarot here. My inspiration and enthusiasm is out the roof, I need to play music!!
I never seen such a high energy show like them, Zac was everything I expected, so full of life and tricks. He is funny, saw me off the side stuck his tongue out heehee!

Just out of curiosity, where were you for their set? I was actually hoping to meet up with you sometime during the weekend, because of all the Tarot-worship I've seen you post on the board. :lol: I might have seen you at some point, but I didn't really have any way to recognize you.

It's not a joke. He was upset about the Cardinals' loss against the Braves. He told Glenn that his wife and daughter were big metalheads and suggested he go see Hammerfall to let off some steam and agression! Ha!

LOL... So when are the ladies coming? Or have they been to ProgPower before?