The Official "Help Zane-X Find A Woman" thread!!!!

I doubt he's interested in males, so he wants love within the confines of the most common mating traditions, I.E, a vagina, not a hairy anus.
You two are too bizarre to give Zane fair advice, it's nothing against you, but I doubt he'd get away with the same stuff.
Haha you two are like the Lockhorns. (+2 points to anyone who even remotely gets that joke.) [DVD is nearly done]
You ARE from the south aren't ya?!?! :tickled:

all kidding aside, check out or similar sites! I found a few people on those kinds of sites, but they just wound up either not working out or being too ugly (surprise surprise)

Will, I edited my original post in proper grammar:lol:. Actually, I'm "talking" to a girl I used to work with. She found me on myspace. We went out a few weeks ago.

And to Eric T, my profile is set to private. I have to approve of someone looking at my profile before they can see it.

Thanks to all for the advice.
how? everyone knows there are no womenz on the interwebnets
I've been mistaken for a girl in real life a couple times. A few weeks ago at the grocery store I was standing in a long line and another checker came from behind me to open another lane and he says (without seeing my face) "Ma'am, I can help you over here." I turned right around and and then he turned pale as a ghost, but didn't apologize or even say anything else. He just looked really uncomfortable the whole time he rang up my items. It was pretty funny.
I can't be mistaken for a woman. I'm 14 feet tall, wear lumberjack approved plaid, my beard is like unto the beard of a god, and my laugh kills children and impregnates nuns.
reminds me of the time I worked at Toys R' Us, and one day was standing there facing the wall organizing the shelves or such, and I hear some old woman behind me say "excuse me, ma'am?" Of course, I was the only one there so obviously she was talking to me, but I didn't acknowledge her since SURELY SHE WASN'T TALKING TO ME! hahaha! So she says, again, "excuse me?" so I decide to finally turn around. She was rather shocked and embarrased, letting out an "OH!!.. ummm"