The official I am sick and bored to tears threadd!

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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I went to the Queensryche show last night, I had a scratchy throat and by the end of the night I was feverish.
Yeah, so I am sick ( again ) and I have been sitting here all day............

On the good side, I am getting some much needed rest and I got to watch lots of movies. Being that it's Halloween and all TV is finally programming for me. I watched some horror and more horror, even EXISTENZ was on, the Cronenberg film with the now famous " enemies of reality " line.

On the bad side, I am full of aches and pains, phelgm and other nasty body related stuff. I am missing work ( which is good and bad ) so less money for me next week.
I am also seem to be completely out of whack, since I was taking out the trash tonight and realized a while later that trash pick up is another couple of days away. :erk:
So what is this thread about?
I have no idea.
overdose on the red liquidy medicine
forget what its claled sudefed or something
last time i got sick at a show i took that it said have half a cup or somehting but my dad was in a rush and jsut overflowded the cup
i downed that shit, it was better then being drunk
i was freaking out, was numb, doing backflips, throwing my throwing knives at a piece of ply wood, was tons'o'fun-best day off from work ive ever had
ofcoarse afterwards i sorta collapsed into bed being the tiredness of the days activities kicked in and the sickness came back when the meidcine wore off, soart throat headache all that, was weel worth it though :grin:
children and rapists they all have nice faces
but who decides
who defines
who draws the line

-had it stuck in my head
Hey anybody watch tonight's South Park?

"I wanna get down on my knees
and start pleasing Jesus..."
"Oh fuck Jesus!"

:lol: :lol: Cartman motherfuckers!
"Hey anybody watch tonight's South Park?"

FUCK! I completely forgot there was a new South Park on tonight. SHIT! FUCK! GODDAMN IT! Last week's was hilarious.
DreamNeonBlack said:
I went to the Queensryche show last night, I had a scratchy throat and by the end of the night I was feverish.
Yeah, so I am sick ( again ) and I have been sitting here all day............

On the good side, I am getting some much needed rest and I got to watch lots of movies. Being that it's Halloween and all TV is finally programming for me. I watched some horror and more horror, even EXISTENZ was on, the Cronenberg film with the now famous " enemies of reality " line.

On the bad side, I am full of aches and pains, phelgm and other nasty body related stuff. I am missing work ( which is good and bad ) so less money for me next week.
I am also seem to be completely out of whack, since I was taking out the trash tonight and realized a while later that trash pick up is another couple of days away. :erk:
So what is this thread about?
I have no idea.

i wanna queensryche setlist.

"...Lies behind my stare"
Guerrilla said:
Hey anybody watch tonight's South Park?

"I wanna get down on my knees
and start pleasing Jesus..."
"Oh fuck Jesus!"

:lol: :lol: Cartman motherfuckers!
South park was great. I like how Lars Ulrich, Master P, and "Titney" Spears all had to go without their gold line fish tank, island for son's B-day, and smaller jet plane, respectively, because of users downloading there music. I say what a bunch of fucking whining crybabys. Ha! Ha!

Saw Queensryche this summer with Dream Theater and Fates Warning. I'll try to find the setlist/show review.
Saw Queensryche this summer with Dream Theater and Fates Warning. I'll try to find the setlist/show review.[/QUOTE]
I also saw that tour, it was amazing for sure!
The set list was basically the same as the tour above, a few more songs from Tribe added.
Queensryche sounded really good, they were a little better than on the DT/Fates tour. Possibly because the new guitar player has had more time to get himself together. They were at the Webster theater, which is a really really small venue and it was packed. I had gotten a great spot behind the sound board and could hear and see quite well.
They added a cool " unplugged " section to the show, they did Roads to Madness acoustic which actually sounded great and a few other tunes.

Unfortunately because I was dying and feverish I had to leave a little early and missed the end of the concert. But I had a great time anyway.