The Official Larry David is Unfunny Thread


I actually have not been liking the recent episodes as much. It's been moving into a more comedy/drama style thing with realllyyy subtle humor and more focusing on his raising the kids and internal issues, desire to be with the chick etc and only throwing in sporadic funny parts. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with comedy shows with plot and good story, but when it's focusing around his inadequacies that he perceives as a father (like the house episode had some funny parts but a lot were really dry) or his thing with the girl (which also has a lot of funny parts but a lot of dull groaning parts) then it just kinda gets too dull for me. I really hope they can keep the unique aspects but still make it as funny as it used to be.
He has been taking the show too seriously. We don't care about your problems Louie, get the fuck over it and deliver comedy, because you are the best stand up comedian that ever lived.

George Carlin, he was smart but never funny. Louis CK is the best comedian that ever lived. If you disagree, your opinion is wrong.
That's what I really like: the subtle, dry, dark humor, and how it's become so absurd in some really strange, surreal way. While some episodes are low on laughs and downright depressing, I still consider it a comedy show because I laugh plenty. It really comes across as Louie just not giving a crap and filming whatever he wants, such as how the Dane Cook episode was just so out there and unexpected, or the depressing nature of the episode with Doug Stanhope wanting to kill himself. In addition, that woman who does the voice of Bobby Hill is pretty rad and she is great on the show.
It may be done well, but I still would prefer more funny parts. It's a comedy show and I don't care if people think "oh you just can't understand it blah blah blah" no, it's a comedy show and it should still make me laugh. He doesn't need a laugh track or stupid jokes but really it's getting just too dark, and to be honest not in a way that fully interests me. I still love the show and think it's great and even the ones that aren't insanely funny have been enjoyable to watch, but I prefer the older episodes that were a bit funnier. Hell, even the one with the pregnant sister had some darkness yet it was fucking hilarious (the fart was a littleee bit overdone and juvenile but still funny) and the Dane Cook one was pretty funny as well such as the scene with the security guards, but in a few places it really just does fall flat. I'm going to check out this weeks episode tonight and hopefully it's great.

Pretty much I've been watching CYE, Louie, Ugly Americans (a bit over the top and ridiculous but has some good and clever parts, too many grossout jokes tbh though recently) and Futurama. Futurama has actually been pretty decent the past few episodes which is good, because before the recent break they were kinda lacking. I'm very excited for Always Sunny this fall but a bit sketched out as some recent episodes have been very hit or miss. At least there's always the Daily Show to provide laughs until the end of time (or when John Stuart gets too old to laugh at himself or do ridiculous voices without passing out).
I'm telling you guys...Death Note is the best show ever made. Better than Game of Thrones, better than Curb, Louie, Rome, Spartacus, you name it. Watch it in Japanese in English subtitles. I promise, it's the best show ever made. Don't be put off because it's an anime. It's a dark, adult anime.
Sorry bro, anime is just adult cartoons.

Louis CK is the best stand-up comedian today. He is the comic's comic. While I agree season two is more dark but funny in a different way, I agree with Andrew that I would prefer his writing to be more in the style of the first season. Hilarious show either way. Wish the show was longer than 20 minutes an episode.

The only shows I follow these days are Louie, CYE, and Dexter.
not sure if the other posters in this thread know this, but almost all, i reapeat ALMOST ALL of the animated stuff that's made in japan, is actually made for ADULT audiences
japan has a lot of children's shows that aren't animated, these shows kinda look like mr rogers neighborhood/sesame street
but almost all of the animation made in japan is aimed at adults
some of it (especially sailor moon) gets heavilly altered, to the extent of sometimes looking like kids shows when you see the english sound versions
that's why the japaneese suond-with-english-subtitle versions even exist to begin with

for example Sailor Moon
the way Japan saw the show, the Sailor Scouts were supposed to look sexy, it was an adult-superhero show where the group of females beating up males was aimed at a dominatrix's clientele, and was supposed to look like the end of the series episodes of Buffy where there were multilple "slayers", the short haired one graphically about sex, 2 of the female characters were a lesbian couple, the guest characters in skirts were men in drag, and the way japan saw it, the dialogue in the famous bathtub scene explained to the audience that she was laying down in the bathtub instead of standing up in the shower because she was masturbating while thinkinking about Tuxedo Mask,
all of that got changed when the show got brought over to america and it was turned into a little kids cartoon, the lesbian couple became "cousins" the men-in-drag became actual females, and in addition to ALL the diologue became altered, the visual is butchered by splicing together episodes with it altered so much that the american version is almost completely unregognizable to anyone that's seen the japaneese-sound-with-english-subtitles version
It's human psyche, psychology, god complex, brilliant detective work, the best soundtrack ever made, morality, grey as opposed to white and black, and a tiny tiny bit of paranormal.