The official post a picture of you with This Godless Endeavor


Aug 31, 2003
Prove I bought it. :p


I also bought SYL's Alien.
I'll have it tomorrow, as that's when I get money.

Actually, I was thinking of buying Alien, too. Wierd o_O
Either Alien or something by Ulver, since they sound more like what I'm more into right now.
I just got back from the concert at Sac on the 26th (the alvum came out today) and anyway, was a great time, and i picked up the new CD..... but what's with all that stuff on the cover? i think some ink spilled onto it

Random Beard said:
Why, how unusual. The ink on my ticket has the same pattern.

oh comeon though... ya gotta admit having the new album signed does indeed rule. i dont think i've been more happy since Dio signed my copy of Master of the Moon.

i'm gunna put this in a frame w/ my pic of me n the band, keep it up on my wall and look at it to pass the time. i'm seriously jumping with joy
Thorngren said:
oh comeon though... ya gotta admit having the new album signed does indeed rule. i dont think i've been more happy since Dio signed my copy of Master of the Moon.
Got PoE signed, that's all I need. I win.
Oh, and this cool Promo photo I framed that they all signed, except Steve (I must remedy that).