The Official RC Essential CRADLE OF FILTH Thread

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
This thread is in celebration of a band that now has an illustrious career, lots of releases and I felt it was time to take a look back. This is for good, bad, whatever. It's all about CRADLE OF FILTH, a band you either love or hate. I personally enjoy their music and the lyrics and imagery, it's a big load of entertainment for me. The entire package.

I like all eras, Barker and Erlandson.

I raise my glass of Newcastle to them. :kickass:
Dusk... And Her Embrace.

Necessary for all black metal collections. Everything else they've done is iffy and quite theatrical.
But theatrics have been a huge part of their material from the get-go. It's the King Diamond side of black metal. But I do agree, Dusk And Her Embrace is essential. I'm listening to Midian this Sunday morning, forgot just how good it is. I like that they got Doug "Pinhead" Bradley for narrative on this one, whom they also brought back on their latest, Nymphetamine.

Essentially, they bug the shit out of me. I guess I'm on the hate 'em side of that love 'em or hate 'em thing.
Dusk... is so much different from their other stuff, I love it and am very serious when I say it's a great black metal album. Were it created by another band the Black Metal Underground Community Port Authority would herald it a classic.
Worst band ever- no, there are much much worse bands. How about Nickleback? God there are a number of absolutely horrible black metal bands. I dislike Cradle, but they have some talent. I think what Cradle represents ( black metal popularity with goths) is what pisses off most nihilistic black metal fans most.
Principles, VEmpire and Dusk are fucking stellar/original releases. I don't give a shit what others say, these rule.

Cruelty and Midian are pretty nice, but not quite as good as the above. However, "Her Ghost in the Fog" and "Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids" are amazing. So is the title track from "From the Cradle to Enslave".

"Damnation" and "Bitter Suites" are boring.
Playind simple commercial rock. They dont want to do anything more than that, so if their music is good for YOUR tastes is a different matter - they are indeed successfull on their job. Cof is a mistake/joke/farce ....
That statement about Nickelback just lost any shred of credibility you had with me. Dude, have you even seen COF live? I have, the place was packed tighter than a can of sardines, and they were like fucking rabid dogs on stage. Fuckin-A heavy.

There a billion bands that play commercial rock, some good. Nickelback are NOT one of them.

It cracks me up that people are so easily annoyed. I think that's a small part of what makes me like them even more.

principles and vempire i havent really listened to much, dusk and cruelty fuckin rule, midian has about half great songs, half pretty good, bitter suites has a few good ones, and ive only listened to damnation and a day a few times, and like half of nymphetimine. i really dig their style, and the albums with barker have fuckin ferocious drumming. barker really is one of my favorite drummers, but he needs to stop quitting these sweet gigs he gets heh. cof/dimmu are the perfect match to his flashy tons-of-fills style...but im getting away from the point. cradle of filth has a wide range of fans who like them for a wide range of reasons. yes, some teenagers are more into the image and "evil" than the actual music, but whatever. thats their loss. cof are talented musicians who have crafted a sound mixing various styles and somehow got pretty damn popular in the process. good for them.

also, IOfTheStorm is a neverending source of comedy.
neal said:
principles and vempire i havent really listened to much, dusk and cruelty fuckin rule, midian has about half great songs, half pretty good, bitter suites has a few good ones, and ive only listened to damnation and a day a few times, and like half of nymphetimine. i really dig their style, and the albums with barker have fuckin ferocious drumming. barker really is one of my favorite drummers, but he needs to stop quitting these sweet gigs he gets heh. cof/dimmu are the perfect match to his flashy tons-of-fills style...but im getting away from the point. cradle of filth has a wide range of fans who like them for a wide range of reasons. yes, some teenagers are more into the image and "evil" than the actual music, but whatever. thats their loss. cof are talented musicians who have crafted a sound mixing various styles and somehow got pretty damn popular in the process. good for them.

also, IOfTheStorm is a neverending source of comedy.

You make some good points Neal.

Now, I don't really like Cradle of Filth.. in fact I DON'T like them, but its just because the music doesn't appeal to me. I have heard The Principle of Evil Made flesh... there's some decent music in it, but it still doesn't grab my attention.
right, i haven't forgotten that thread. I'd say its more aimed at discovering how bad they can't be. Previous to discovery of that album, I had a much lower opinion of the band. Principles of Evil Made Flesh has good music, but it still suffers from cheesey goth keyboards.

"I'm officially stepping off of the "Hate Cradle of Filth because its the true thing to do" bandwagon. Their new stuff, no dice. But the first two albums have earned a place in my heart."

and I still stand by this statement. jerk :p
Nickelback IS a horrible black metal band, eh?
Seriously, I liked their first album, "Curb", and some of "The State". Not really my thing these days, but I respect their older stuff.

I've seen them live and tried to get into their albums a few times -- fuck em.
Not 'cause it's the tr00 thing to do, but because the live show sucked, the music was boring, Dani+the keyboards+the annoying gothy chick vocalist made it one of the WORST shows I've ever been to. Praetoria opened, and they were MUCH better than CoF. The crowd didn't even really seem into the CoF set. So fuck em and their theatrics.