Greetings to all...... I agree with everything said on here... This was my first progpower and I will say that Brainstorm and Tad Morose RULED!!!!!!
All were really great guys and oh BTW has anyone been to brainstorms website and read what Andy wrote about the concert? its so anyway I can not wait till next year and i got a feeling Brainstorm and TM will be back in the future!!!!!!!! ROCK ON
I'm not saying Brainstorm sucked. Far from it. I loved seeing Brainstorm, they were amazing, but there was just something in TM's performance that put it over the edge for me.
They were inexplicable. Of course I was three rows back and stage left in front of Daniel. Not long after Dreamscape left the stage, I was grabbing a good spot. They kicked my butt pretty hard and what little I had left BS finished off. To be honest, I enjoyed the powermetal part of this year's lineup best of all PP events I have attended. Only 340 something more days till PPVI