The official Tad Morose and Brainstorm kicked my ass thread !!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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This year's PP was great and TM and BS weren't the only bands that ripped this year by any means, but both of those bands put the POWER back into powermetal and both bands kicked my ass hard. Every PP I have been to has certain bands and moments that stand out to me, but I have never seen two bands at one PP event with the energy level both of those bands released. I was wondering if anyone else thought both of those bands absolutely brought it with their energy level and performance ?

I concur. They definately had that je ne sais quoi thing the French are always going on about :) Brainstorm ruled, but Tad Morose surprised me with how good they were. My Modus Vivendi CD is in the mail ;)
SinsAndShadows said:
I concur. They definately had that je ne sais quoi thing the French are always going on about :) Brainstorm ruled, but Tad Morose surprised me with how good they were. My Modus Vivendi CD is in the mail ;)

You will love that CD if you like Brainstorm. TM is a little more melodic than BS, but still plenty heavy. Urban (vocalist) and Peter (drummer) are also quite above the curve as musicians as well. Tad Morose has some of the positive things of the typical Euro power metal bands like huge backing vocals, but few of the negative cliches. Great band !!

The_Q said:
I concur with Bryant. The coolest thing too is that all members of both bands were super cool guys to meet!

Yes they were !!! I didn't talk much to the Brainstorm guys, but they were very approachable and were frankly happy to be there. All of the Tad Morose guys gladly took pix and signed autos for thei fans as well as just "shooting the shit." Great guys, and if I ever get as much energy as Urban Breed (not on stage but in the mix of the crowd) I am going to take up playing football again. He was everyfuckingwhere !!

brainstorm caught me off guard as although I dug the cds, I didn't see that live act freighttrain coming but I have been saying Tad morose would go over well at progpower since I saw them at milwaukee metalfest 2 years ago.:Spin:
tattooedsean666 said:
brainstorm caught me off guard as although I dug the cds, I didn't see that live act freighttrain coming but I have been saying Tad morose would go over well at progpower since I saw them at milwaukee metalfest 2 years ago.:Spin:

Yes you did Sean (Tad Morose.) I remember some of your posts before PP. I discovered them later than you, but they kicked my ass as well. I was blown away !!

Well...I knew about Brainstorm and knew they were going to kick ass. Tad Morose, I was given fair warning about by Bryant and you were so right. By far the third slot kicked major ass.
Curious if this is so about past PP's as this was my what should be a long string of attendances. :)
I'm sort of the opposite: I knew about Tad Morose before they made the PPV setlist but Brainstorm I had never even heard of until I saw it on the PPV site. Bought their CD(the one with the wierd succubus and the kukri on the front) as soon as I did though, and they fuckin rock! Totally agree w/sean and bryant
I had high expectations of both - they did NOT dissappoint, and exceeded my expectations. Plus, both bands were extremely polite and easy to deal with. A pleasure - and hope to see them both at a PP in the future. Either way - if they play the States - I'm at at least one show for each.
King Lek said:
Well...I knew about Brainstorm and knew they were going to kick ass. Tad Morose, I was given fair warning about by Bryant and you were so right. By far the third slot kicked major ass.
Curious if this is so about past PP's as this was my what should be a long string of attendances. :)
It has happened for at least 2 third slot bands before.

At PPII, the third slot bands were Angel Dust and Steel Prophet.
Steel Prophet had very short notice on their attendance at the festival (thanks to Vanden Plas's nearly last second cancellation), and therefore their set was a little rough around the edges.
Angel Dust, however, were awesome. One of the best performances I've ever seen. (Including all subsequent progpower sets from anyone)

At PPIII, the third slot bands were Edguy and Devin Townsend Band.
DTB was too at odds with an audience full of people who weren't thrilled with their music to really bring the house down, but Edguy completely levelled the place. Better set there than at PPV i think.

At PPIV, it was Circle II Circle and Vanden Plas, and while both bands were really good, i don't consider either to have brought the thunder the way Angel Dust, Edguy, Tad Morose, and Brainstorm did. That crown for PPIV has to go to Mercenary (second slot).

I didn't make it to PPI, so i don't know who played third each night and how they did.

MetalRose said:
Hi Tad Morose, I'm an ass. Did you kick me? HELL YEAH! That band rocked my world and made their CD sales increase for sure.

Brainstorm was great as well.. but no Tad Morose.


Tad Morose guys were more charismatic. I mean Andy didn't use the mic stand as a steering wheel but Urban did... ha ha, and TM used a little 80's stage moves and stuff that was cool, but didn't over do it to the point where it was cheesy.
What Brainstorm brought was almost a thrash style intensity. They are less polished than the TM guys but they had the raw energy I have only seen from Angel Dust as far as a PP performance.
I thought TM was better, but BS had some magic as well. While they were playing on that stage, I don't think Andy would have traded places with any person in the world. I don't know how many festivals they have ever played, but he was amazed at the crowd response he got from PPV and there is no way he could have faked that. Milan (guitarist on audience right) also had dificulties from time to time keeping a smile off his face.


I'm not saying Brainstorm sucked. Far from it. I loved seeing Brainstorm, they were amazing, but there was just something in TM's performance that put it over the edge for me.

Probally because I had heard Brainstorm before and liked the music. I had never heard Tad Morose before and that was actually one of the bands that before I went down thought, ''if I see them cool, if not no big deal."

TM had the element of suprise that BS didn't. For me anyway... And I'm all about the element of suprise. ;)

I saw Brainstorm at BW & BK this year & thought they kicked major ass!!Hehehehe...Andy remembered me from the Cleveland show & referred to me as "The Cleveland dude"!!Tad Morose kicked some major ass as well!!As far as I was concerned,these 2 vocalists of said bands were the only ones that were flawless through their sets & really cool peeps to hang out with (Tho I really didn't try to take up much of their time)!!
P.S.Nice seein' you again bro!!:wave:
I saw Brainstorm at BW&BK earlier this year, so I knew that they would just kick keister. Tad Morose's Modus Vivendi was kicking my ass at the time that the PPV line-up was announced; i confess they were one of the major reasons I decided to hit the show, and i was NOT disappointed. Even as awesome as it was to see Savatage again, that PPV happy place was really from both Brainstorm and Tad Morose.
Well, I could not agree more with Bryant and pretty much everyone who has replied to this thread. I was ready for BRAINSTORM but what I got was totally above and beyond what I expected. It is still my humble opinion that BRAINSTORM stole the show -- this statement stems simply from the number of times the audience broke into chants of "Brainstorm, Brainstorm!" which was at least 6 when I lost count. I had no idea who TAD MOROSE was and they totally blew me away. Both bands were easily best under-dog bands of their respective days and I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite. With two unbelievable headline acts and two amazing, face-melting underdog performances, PP5 is going to be one to beat in the future.
Tad Morose was awesome...I was too busy waiting for Vinyl to bring out my chips so I pretty much missed Brainstorm. I did see "Highs Without Lows"...Pretty sweet. They were definateley no TM though. TM, PoS, and Adagio were the best Along with Kamelot.
dargormudshark said:
Tad Morose was awesome...I was too busy waiting for Vinyl to bring out my chips so I pretty much missed Brainstorm. I did see "Highs Without Lows"...Pretty sweet. They were definateley no TM though. TM, PoS, and Adagio were the best Along with Kamelot.

GAWWWDDD the food at the venue took forever. It was almost an hour before I got my cold chicken strips and fries, and I missed part of Jon Oliva's Pain cos of it. The second night, we found a Togo's a short walk away.

I think if I opened a Denny's or a Steak and Shake by Earthlink live I'd make a killing -- there was NOTHING open there....