The Official UM Confessional

Alright, so, this isn't really a confession, but it's something UM related that I've been itching to say for a little while now, and I suppose this is as good a thread as any for it.

Ozzman. We've all seen his picture, as he has posted it several times. Now, last semester I had a class with this one dude who looked a lot like Ozzman. That, in itself, isn't particularly interesting, I know, but this was a very odd guy. He always wore these black, button up short sleeved shirts with flames on them and shit (like Chris Titus on his old sitcom, if that is not too obscure a reference). This guy, without fail, would always be on his cellphone before and after class, but I never heard him speak into it. He had this really exaggerated way of holding it up to his ear. He'd stick his elbow out and he'd press it really hard to his ear. Sometimes, though, he'd have an ear piece for it (not blue tooth, because it was impossible to not notice the strangely long cord). He also had this odd walk where he'd have his arms far out to his side like he was wearing an invisible inner tube, and he'd always lead with his shoulders and take wide steps.

The thing that really got me, though, was this dudes voice. This guy had a very... different voice. Sort of deep, real slow and very loud. He sounded a lot like he was shouting or saying lines in a stage play, and he had this really dumb-sounding Philly accent. That would be fine if he didn't interject all the damn time with pointless comments and irrelevant questions. This was a Cold War history class and he'd ask the professor things like "SO WHAT KIND UH STUFF DO YA SAY WHEN YOUR BEIN' BEN FRANKLIN?" or comments like "YEAH I HEARD DAT WHEN JFK GOT ASSASSINATED HIS BRAIN CAME OUT." God I wish I'd recorded it, or could describe it better. If I had a mic I'd record myself doing it.

The reason I mention it is because now I always read Ozzmans posts in that voice. No matter what he says I can't help but laugh just a little at it.
Bonded By Blood is pretty much the second best Thrash Metal album ever, behind Hell Awaits.