The official UMOS at PPVII roster.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
OK at ~72 h from the meeting of the millenia I will like to post the official attendant roster with real names (if my fellow UMOSers agree)

So I start:

Rolando (aka Wyvern)
We will be getting in Thursday. Should be between 2 and 3 pm.

Savaron = Ron (duh!):lol: and my wife Kathy.

Can't wait to see you guys!
JonnyD said:
:-D Just Call me JD! I will be there on thursday between 12pm and 1pm! even got me tickets for the motherfuckin preparty! :-D

ASTOUNDING! JD get ready for the rollercoaster of hell :kickass:

Today was a day out of the office so just one day at work tomorrow and then luggage!

NP: Savage Circus - 'Evil Eyes'
LOL, you guys are a bunch of kids... ans that's fine with me! :lol:

Can't wait! I will be packing tomorrow as I leave Wednesday night~
Kitty covered my ass on this one. Wait, let me rephrase that. Kitty let you all know my secret. Wait, let me rephrase that. Like Kitty said -- Wheezer is Brent in real life.

I'm still recovering from the weekend. Hope I get 'er done before tomorrow.
How about a get together just for UM people? Those who can pls post your pics to refresh our memories
Here's the one Kristy took last year. Where were you Pabla?
