The Official What the Hell is Going On Wednesday Night?

You know, it might just be two or three unsigned acts like Halcyon Way. I mean, we are talking $3K (200x$15=3K) for the budget. So, since many unsigned acts work for peanuts....It's easy for Glenn to throw them 3-4 bills each, give them exposure, pay for the room and bar guarantee. It works.
Keeping with what little "clues" Glenn has given (pseudo-clues, but obviously it won't be Devin Townsend or Iced Earth), I doubt it'd be a band or band member from overseas that already isn't at the fest already. That being said, I doubt it'd be Pyramaze or Circus Maximus, seeing as the low ticket count and low price probably couldn't afford to bring them overseas, much less actually make it worth their while financially.

If it is something overseas (doubtful according to my opinion), it'd be an act of charity as the band would basically be doing something special pro bono. Not that I'd be opposed to a band making an appearance just for the sake of our enjoyment, but let's be reasonable. I won't be disappointed if it's something local/domestic/karaoke-related. I was already going to be at karaoke and this is just an added bonus for just a bit more on the cover charge I was already going to pay.

Also, I agree with Rifkin that at this pace the entire fest will be a week long. Again, I'm not opposed...
The most obvious thing would be for one of the bands to arrive early and perform an acoustic set. In that case, my money would be on Redemption.

Less obvious, and probably a lot cooler, would be Urban debuting his solo material.

Even less likely, and even cooler, would be our good friends Dreamscape, so eager to play for us that they'll do the pre-pre-party.

Least likely of all would be a full performance by an established international act. But that would be the kind of thing Glenn could pull off. There are a few international acts that will be running around the country at that time(Kamelot, Edguy). The Vinyl Club is the same as any of the other clubs they'll be playing. Might as well add a date where you're sure to sell out and probably have more fun after the show as well.
The most obvious thing would be for one of the bands to arrive early and perform an acoustic set. In that case, my money would be on Redemption.

Less obvious, and probably a lot cooler, would be Urban debuting his solo material.

Even less likely, and even cooler, would be our good friends Dreamscape, so eager to play for us that they'll do the pre-pre-party.

Least likely of all would be a full performance by an established international act. But that would be the kind of thing Glenn could pull off. There are a few international acts that will be running around the country at that time(Kamelot, Edguy). The Vinyl Club is the same as any of the other clubs they'll be playing. Might as well add a date where you're sure to sell out and probably have more fun after the show as well.

I would be all for any of the above, but Dreamscape, I just wasnt that impressed with them. If it is Dreamscape be prepared for drunken I dont give a fuck Biffle madness. Just ask the Powerfest 06 attendees about that.
this week/end couldn't get much better. :rock:

Well...thats been said in the past and Glenn has managed to make a seemingly "best thing ever" even better. So never say never. Wow..I felt like I just hopped out of a Dr.Suess book just then. *shakes head*

Anyways, Im not even about to try and guess what Wednesday night is going to be. I don't have any doubts that Glenn will once again deliver greatness to the fans.
Maybe it will be Eternity X. They could do a couple new songs and then "The Edge" in it's entirety. This would be a kickass surprise for the pre-pre-party. :rock: I'm sure it's gonna be awesome........whatever unfolds.
The long awaited, much bally-hooed, overhyped Progpower debut of... Dorian!!!

Seriously, EPICA is scheduled to be in Nashville, TN on that Wednesday (10/3) per their website. That just hurts since it's soooo close to being reasonable, though... not. Does $15/head merit a helicopter?
If they aren't playing a show that night it could work. A quick drive down with the tour bus. I don't know though. There isn't a new album and they were just here last year, right? Maybe if it was strictly an acoustic set. Then they wouldn't even need the tour bus. Glenn or someone in the crew could pick them up and bring them back after the show.
Least likely of all would be a full performance by an established international act. But that would be the kind of thing Glenn could pull off. There are a few international acts that will be running around the country at that time(Kamelot, Edguy). The Vinyl Club is the same as any of the other clubs they'll be playing. Might as well add a date where you're sure to sell out and probably have more fun after the show as well.

Hmm, good point. Financially I'd think it unlikely, but there's a crazy sense to it.

Wait, I know what's going on: It'll be that Ari guy from Finnish National Idol. :lol: