The official Will/Laura 4 Days of Awesomeness Picture Thread.

this thread is all over the place; i can't keep track anymore
Will Bozarth said:
by the way... Derick and Cara met on here... Tee and Metalized met on the forum, as well. i already knew this and so did Laura, i'm saying that the fact that other couples have met here possibly influenced her into dating you when she wouldn't have dated you if she hadn't known about the other couples that met herePerhaps the reason you don't like the fact that she's making her own decisions i want her to make her own desicions, you're prolly more qualified to controll her life than me cuz you've been seeing her face to facethat *gasp* make her happier, i really want her to be happyis that it's with me... what? you thinking that i wanted her to date Ptah Khnemu or one of my other freinds instead of you? that doesn't make sense, Ptah is a vigin and i won't even say my other freinds' names because Laura dating them would be disaterous, i have no problem with her dating you, just as long as she's not being happy in the short-run in exchange for being miserable in the long-runOR, it could be due to the fact that you can't have any luck finding someone for yourself. i've been saying from the begining that i have no interest in fucking her, so she knows i don't want her for myself, and i'm not jealous of her having a relationship before me, i'm having a lot of one-night-stands in daylight under the bridge and i'm happy with that, i really amin any case, let her be happy.i really do want her to be happy
As long as he lives, and for some time after he hopefully gets aids and dies, I will never let him go for having to see his fucking naked body...

Edit: That was vaguely directed towards 'soy'.