The official WORKOUT thread

john hansen is natural though



he only competes in natural comps, he is Mr. Natural Olympia

I think you can get to 220-230 shredded without roids, If I was to be shredded right now I would be 190 - 195 and I'm only 18

I'm gonna try to gain 30-40 more LBs of muscle over the next 5-10 years
You know what I hate? Machine hogs. I hate them like there's no tomorrow. There was this jackass at the gym today who was basically sitting, doing nothing, on the chest fly. I really wanted to use that machine, but I didn't have enough time, because this douchebag was sitting there, playing around, and not even doing any reps. Like.... if you don't know how to use the machine, ask one of the trainers or staff..... just don't waste time and space.
I like machines. It's great to be able to target certain muscle groups and not have to worry about it. I also like the control that I have.... I really hate free weights and shit like that.

However, I absolutely hate jogging on the treadmill or any of that stationary crap... It's so damned boring. I'm quite fond of the elliptical machine, however, purely because of how it works the chest and the legs... but even then, after 45 minutes on that, I'm bored as hell.
any of you guys love to watch inspirational videos before you go lift?

my favorite is this one - with the beastly dexter jackson - DJ is awesome

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I stayed up all night last night and I still had a decent workout today. Benched 225 for 9, 5, and 4 reps. Way below what I usually do but not bad for pulling an all nighter. I just recently started doing deadlifts with a straight bar instead of the hexbar my school has and I think I'm coming along nicely, repping out 225 and 245. One bad thing is that I've been trying to gain weight for football, and I havent ate much the last couple days cause I slept all day today, etc. and I lost like 9 pounds. Im down from 195 to 186. :( Now I gotta gain it all back.
You know what I hate? Machine hogs. I hate them like there's no tomorrow. There was this jackass at the gym today who was basically sitting, doing nothing, on the chest fly. I really wanted to use that machine, but I didn't have enough time, because this douchebag was sitting there, playing around, and not even doing any reps. Like.... if you don't know how to use the machine, ask one of the trainers or staff..... just don't waste time and space.

That's why there's this wonderful thing called communication.

"Hey, are you using that machine?"
"Well hey, how's about you get the fuck off of it then?"

Football started today and I squated before I had to sprint and run 4 miles. My legs are cramping so hard right now.

It was our second week back total, we had last week off. It's been fucking awesome so far and I might be starting fullback. They moved me from tightend.

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