The official WORKOUT thread

Why would you want to gain weight?

Anyway I'd just eat food you enjoy extensively while lifting, but not running or anything.
Alright, I'm 5"7, and 135 lbs. I'm looking to gain about 15-20 lbs. and am wondering the best way to do this. I used to run a lot, but stopped about six months ago, though I havn't lost all athleticism. Any tips?

eat 500-1,000 more calories than you burn a day while eating moderately healthy and working out all body parts moderately intensely

most simplistic answer I can give you
I did some barbell curls yesterday, and I haven't done any exercise for months (since last summer:erk: ). Now I cant fully extend my arms, the muscle on the elbow that connects the biceps and the forearms is real sore. :ill:
I did some barbell curls yesterday, and I haven't done any exercise for months (since last summer:erk: ). Now I cant fully extend my arms, the muscle on the elbow that connects the biceps and the forearms is real sore. :ill:

:lol: there's nothing to do about that, wait a few days and go back and hit the biceps hard as hell again.

might want to take it easy though the first few times that you are working out, slowly build your way up to training pretty intensely. Don't want to tear any muscles
I got (back) into lifting and exercising about maybe 1-2 years ago, but at a certain point, a past injury started putting limitations on me and getting worse. I was getting into doing heavier dumbbell presses (bench press position) and was really enjoying it. I was doing some reps with up to 65 or 70 lbs per hand, but I could feel that something was not right. My left shoulder was ultra fatigued near the end, and afterwords. I had it checked out and found that I had a torn rotator cuff. Because I was enjoying lifting so much I opted for surgery so I could eventually get back at it. I had the surgery like December of last year. It's taking forever to get back to normal. Sometimes I think I should not have had the surgery, and just backed off on the weights and just get more back into riding BMX or mountain bikes. But if it heals well and I can go back to working out without problems, it will be worth it.
I'm really careful with shit like that

I always warm up my rotator cuffs before working out and I'll do 3 or 4 warmup sets with every exercise that puts a significant amount of pressure on that area

I do everything to avoid injuries obviously.
Well, I plan to be much more dilligent with warmup and stretching when I get back to it. The injury was from something stupid and unrelated to lifting. I would always warm up with a lighter set of each lift, but now I plan to do some whole rotator cuff warmup routine to start with, plus a preliminary light set of each lift.
I've been trying to get super ripped, and I've been walking/powerwalking as my cardio instead of running, because it burns less muscle than running does. Anyone else here walk for their cardio instead of run?
If you're trying to get seriously ripped (6-10% body fat) walking isn’t going to do it.

I would suggest high intensity change of pace cardio and eating 6 times a day (small portions) high protein.

Example: Sprinting, jogging

1. Sprint 15-20 seconds then jog 1 minute and repeat for 10-15 minutes. It kills, but it works

2. Next day jog 30 min at a medium pace.

3. Jump rope - 20 min

Key is to do something different every day. Don't let your body get used to a routine. The idea behind this is change, because that’s what you’re trying to do to your body. By constantly changing your cardio (challenging)you're letting your body know it needs to burn more fat/use more calories, therefore no extra stored fat. Plus eating 6 times a day lets your body know it has a constant energy source and there’s no need to store extra calories that turns into fat.

Weight training is essential as well - because cardio breaks down muscle. More muscle burns more calories/fat. Eating protein while training restores tissue and help develop lean muscle mass.

I've been trying to get to 8% body fat index. It’s rough.
I've been trying to get super ripped, and I've been walking/powerwalking as my cardio instead of running, because it burns less muscle than running does. Anyone else here walk for their cardio instead of run?

High intensity interval training is BY FAR the best way to burn fat and keep muscle and this has been documented in a few studies (which I am too lazy/exhausted to look up). HIIT is basically doing cardio very intensely while taking short breaks in between, IE you go at 70-90% intensity for 4 minutes then walk very slowly for a minute, repeat this for about 20 - 30 minutes and you will burn a shit load of calories and not waste an hour with horribly boring cardio.

not only does it make your metabolism 10x faster/more powerful for hours after you stop with the cardio, but it has also shown to release growth hormones. The growth hormones + very fast metabolism + extreme efficiency in time = by far the best form of cardio for bodybuilders/anybody looking to cut down in weight while preserving maximum amount of LBM (lean body mass).

edit: Jimmy above is talking about HIIT there and he is exactly right.
Yeah, I've known of HIIT for a while. I don't have much fat to lose at all, since I am below 12% (abs and obliques visible). The average joe would consider me super ripped already. Sprinting is very tough for me, and I don't need something so hardcore to lose the tiny bit of fat I want to lose. It seems that people either do HIIT, or walk nowadays, and less regular jogging, since regular jogging burns the most muscle.
That's shred master!!!

DAMN MAN, I didnt know you were that serious about your overall performance.

I thought you were more into bulking and gaining weight.

You trying to become pro one day?

I am very serious about bulking/being as "hyiooge" as possible but I also love being shredded,

I dunno If I'll ever go pro, I know I can make a shit load more money in the business world. I may just keep Bodybuilding as a passion/hobby.

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