The official WORKOUT thread

I started in 7th grade so my max was very low, I got it up to 110 at the end of that school year though. Since then Ive raised my max up about 200 more pounds to 310, soon I'll be trying for 315.
Problem is that was two days ago and my chest is still killing me.

That means you actually made progress.

MON- Back/Tri's
TUES- Chest/Bi's
WED-Off for much needed rest
THURS-Shoulders and Traps/Shrugs
FRI- Bi's and Tri's HEAVY (superset last set of each)
SAT- Legs and Squats

dont be afraid to switch it up every now and then. Improvising can really help. Ex: every other week "shock" your arms by doing back/bi's and chest/tri's if you get my drift.

I go:

mon - Arms
tues - chest
wed - shoulders
thur/fri - back/legs

And switching up is great.
wow, I'm getting to the point now where I almost don't have a neck anymore. Damn I love traps!
But on the other hand, big traps can make your shoulders look narrow. IMO it's only good to have very developed traps if you have a broad shoulder bone structure. I only have an average width shoulder bone structure, so I choose not to work on my traps (they get worked anyways when doing rows and deads and soforth). I wish there was a way to make shoulder stucture broader, but there is no way to elongate your clavicle.
But on the other hand, big traps can make your shoulders look narrow. IMO it's only good to have very developed traps if you have a broad shoulder bone structure. I only have an average width shoulder bone structure, so I choose not to work on my traps (they get worked anyways when doing rows and deads and soforth). I wish there was a way to make shoulder stucture broader, but there is no way to elongate your clavicle.

develop your shoulders more and you will look fine

I enjoy sometimes dropping my shoulders down to emphasize how frickin massive my traps are :lol: :lol:
develop your shoulders more and you will look fine

I enjoy sometimes dropping my shoulders down to emphasize how frickin massive my traps are :lol: :lol:
My delts are pretty fuckin big. My shoulders look broader than average now, since I've beefed up my delts in the past few years. And I don't want to get rid of all that again by overdeveloping my traps. My shoulders still don't look exceptionally broad, so I still can't afford to have massive traps.
I hate working my traps. Theres no way I would want big traps.

john cena has perfect traps


then again john cena has perfect everything (no homo).
Man, bad thing happened. I was doing my first heavy set of bench with 245, it was feeling really good I figured I'd get 8 reps pretty easily, well on rep number 6 when I went down I heard and felt a crack in my right shoulder. I think I might have pulled it a bit or something, this sucks it hurts pretty good. Same shoulder I hurt earlier this year, it ticks me off. Now I won't be doing 315 in a couple weeks for football testing like I was planning on doing.
^ Similar thing happened to my dad. One day he was warming up with 135 and i noticed his form was lopsided to the point where the weights were almost falling off.
Dude my dads right shoulder is so messed up, he was doing like 275 I think and on the 4th rep he tore something really bad. This was a few years ago and it still hurts him to bench, he was getting back up to like 275 for a couple reps but it started aching again, now he just does 135 on bench. Hopefully my shoulder will be good in a few weeks or less.
Creatine definitely helps me do a few more reps. It has a noticeable effect on my strength, that remains for a while even after I stop taking it.

One thing I need to add: I don't understand why people still take creatine monohydrate when there are non-monohydrtate forumals that don't cause bloating available. Creatine monohydrate bloats the fuck out of me, to the point where my abs fade, and I lose a lot of the definition in my face. In short, creatine monohydrate will make you look like a fatass, even if you are ripped, because of the massive water retention it causes. I take a non-monohydrate forumula (containing creatine titrate, I believe), and it causes no subcutatnous water retention. So unless you want to get all bloated up like a fucking blowfish, avoid creatine monohydrate at all costs!

What is the name of the creatine product you take?

I'm looking for something that will NOT bloat me and have water retention.

I need something that will help you gain strength and muscle but also keep you cut.
there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that creatine mono = water retention. There have been 1032530500000000000 studies on it and there is NEVER any substantial increase in intracellular water level.

size and strength = only proven item > creatine

the best option is to take some sort of like creatine monohydrate after taking your whey protein with milk.

I do whey protein w/milk followed by 5 grams of creatine mono followed by 3-4 servings of gatorade (ends up being around 70 grams of carbs and 40 grams of protein). This is all post workout of course.
there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that creatine mono = water retention. There have been 1032530500000000000 studies on it and there is NEVER any substantial increase in intracellular water level.

size and strength = only proven item > creatine

the best option is to take some sort of like creatine monohydrate after taking your whey protein with milk.

I do whey protein w/milk followed by 5 grams of creatine mono followed by 3-4 servings of gatorade (ends up being around 70 grams of carbs and 40 grams of protein). This is all post workout of course.

So what would you say the best creatine(s) is?

I was thinking of going with PURPLE-K

I really just don't know where to start with this stuff.
there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that creatine mono = water retention. There have been 1032530500000000000 studies on it and there is NEVER any substantial increase in intracellular water level.

size and strength = only proven item > creatine

the best option is to take some sort of like creatine monohydrate after taking your whey protein with milk.

I do whey protein w/milk followed by 5 grams of creatine mono followed by 3-4 servings of gatorade (ends up being around 70 grams of carbs and 40 grams of protein). This is all post workout of course.
Well creatine monohydrate bloats me up really badly (particularly in the face), whereas non-monohydrate creatine definitely does not. And it is exactly the same way for a few other people I know. Different people respond the creatine differently. There are even some people on which creatine has no kind of effect whatsoever, even in strength and mass.
So what would you say the best creatine(s) is?

I was thinking of going with PURPLE-K

I really just don't know where to start with this stuff.

size0n is the best thing on the market but is a bit pricey

you're probably better off going to GNC and getting 2 tubs of creaddrive (total cost = 45 dollars I believe). It's 80 servings of creatine mono + dextrose. It will save you ALOT of time post workout

with that, all you have to do is go protein powder + milk, wait 10 minutes, take 1 scoop of Creaddrive. And that's it (don't have to mess around with any other forms of carbs though fruits are always a solid option).

in other bodybuilding news, I am checking out jay cutler's video and he really doesn't look all that inhuman in his everyday life. Absolutely massive? yes, but not inhuman or alien looking. I'd say something like stan mcquay (5'7' 200 LBS ripped) is perfect in everyday life in terms of both having an aesthetic appeal and still being massive.

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