The official WORKOUT thread

Are you bulking or cutting now, starting back up with working out again? I always am weaker after some time off, so I always bulk for at least a while then. I'm about to start cutting, though I'll miss getting stronger and bigger. Time to get super ripped now.

I am trying to cut right now, but my cutting/bulking abilities are very limited without being able to workout and my low energy levels (still trying to recover from surgery).
Well, I have a week left of "bulking," and then I start "cutting," in order to get completely shredded. It shouldn't take too long, since I didn't do an exreme bulk, but rather a mild one, and am still lean enough to easily see my abs and forearm veins. One thing I find, is that when I'm cutting, I wish I was bulking, and getting bigger and stronger. And when I'm bulking, I wish I was cutting, and getting exceedingly ripped.

I cant stand bulking... I have a very ripped body, quite lean and athletic but generally whenever someone sees my biceps they are like holy fuck. I just find being big impractical, I mean as I am now I can bench twice my body weight without a problem, do one handed push ups, even do front flips (quite impressive being 6'4), I just dont get the point in being big.
I cant stand bulking... I have a very ripped body, quite lean and athletic but generally whenever someone sees my biceps they are like holy fuck. I just find being big impractical, I mean as I am now I can bench twice my body weight without a problem, do one handed push ups, even do front flips (quite impressive being 6'4), I just dont get the point in being big.
Yes, I am naturally ripped, too. When I bulk, I can still see my abs and my veins, but I'm just not quite as ripped as before. I don't mind bulking the way I do it, because I never get smooth and bloated looking. How much can you bench? If you can bench twice your body weight at 6'4, you must be benching at least 400 lbs.
I cant stand bulking... I have a very ripped body, quite lean and athletic but generally whenever someone sees my biceps they are like holy fuck. I just find being big impractical, I mean as I am now I can bench twice my body weight without a problem, do one handed push ups, even do front flips (quite impressive being 6'4), I just dont get the point in being big.

being big isn't impractical unless you are talking 270 280 LBs which you will never reach (so that's not really a concern of mine)

what sucks ass though about being big (I am 5'9-10 around 211 LBs) is that is is a massive pain in the ass to buy clothes sometimes.

my waist size is around 34-35 inches but I have to buy pants for people with 38-40 inch waist size because of the size of my lower body, so I suppose you can say it is impractical in that regard.

in any case, I love the sport and I want to pursue it as far as I can. :)
I set a new personal running distance record for myself last night: 7.1 miles (11.4 km), without stopping. I'm quite impressed with myself. :cool:

One thing that definitely helped out was bringing along a water bottle. It's awkward as fuck to have that thing swinging around on its belt/strap while I run, but it sure beats the hell out of getting thirsty, and hence tiring out early.

I also ran at a pretty slow pace - just under 12 minutes per mile. I've been wondering whether I should be going for shorter distances at higher speed, in hopes of eventually building endurance at that speed. My runs are starting to take fucking forever. I've just been too distance-obsessed lately to try going faster.

Oh, and I actually got attacked by a dog during the run. :lol: I was going by this group of dogs which were playing near their owners on the sidewalk, and one of them - a short, poodle-ish dog with poofy white hair - chased me for about ten seconds, bit me on the leg, and then ran back. It didn't hurt much, so I just kept going. :kickass:

I'd post a pic of the bite, but it's pretty small, and probly not worth seeing my hairy-ass legs for.
Yes, I am naturally ripped, too. When I bulk, I can still see my abs and my veins, but I'm just not quite as ripped as before. I don't mind bulking the way I do it, because I never get smooth and bloated looking. How much can you bench? If you can bench twice your body weight at 6'4, you must be benching at least 400 lbs.

I generally bench around 170 kilos, (in pounds, that is about 370 I think). I only weigh about 80 kilos. I have a naturally fast metabolism, so practically no body fat. Courtesy of my girlfriend wanting to photograph me I have a couple of pictures lying around if you cared to see.

EDIT: My metabolism is the other reason I cant stand bulking, I can put on maybe a kilo in three weeks, its near impossible.
being big isn't impractical unless you are talking 270 280 LBs which you will never reach (so that's not really a concern of mine)

what sucks ass though about being big (I am 5'9-10 around 211 LBs) is that is is a massive pain in the ass to buy clothes sometimes.

my waist size is around 34-35 inches but I have to buy pants for people with 38-40 inch waist size because of the size of my lower body, so I suppose you can say it is impractical in that regard.

in any case, I love the sport and I want to pursue it as far as I can. :)

The sports I enjoy the most are Bike Riding, Soccer and Boxing. Being big is an incredible pain cycling as you want a good power to weight ratio (harder to achieve when you are large). Soccer you just need to be able to run solid for 90 minutes and have relatively agile feet, its easier to do that with a body that requires less energy and boxers do not do bodybuilding for a reason.
I generally bench around 170 kilos, (in pounds, that is about 370 I think). I only weigh about 80 kilos. I have a naturally fast metabolism, so practically no body fat. Courtesy of my girlfriend wanting to photograph me I have a couple of pictures lying around if you cared to see.

EDIT: My metabolism is the other reason I cant stand bulking, I can put on maybe a kilo in three weeks, its near impossible.

I have this problem as well. I try to put on weight, but it comes on so slowly.
That is really small. I'm 5'9 and 205ish.

:kickass: :kickass: I am 5'9-10 around 211. trying to get down to 195 right now so I can be at like 6% body fat

I have this problem as well. I try to put on weight, but it comes on so slowly.

try eating more often and also eat alot of GOOD fat (like peanut butter)

don't expect to gain too much weight though, just aim for about 3 pounds a month and you'll gain around 35 LBs in a year without gaining too much fat
Greys Daily Workout vol 1.

1. Penis Stroking(35 minutes to an hour)
2. Playing guitar as an extention of your penis.

Follow these simple easy steps and have tights arms and bod.
I've been doing pushups for the past couple days. its cool seeing the numbers increase. ;)

oh, and im down to 241 from 256. yay me!

Damn Krig, you're not nearly as large as people make it out to be. I have a friend my own age who is 240, and I always envisioned you far fatter than him. You can't be that big.

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