the "oh great..." thread


Aug 2, 2002
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- giving a presentation today in front of 50+ lawyers and the only other person giving the presentation with me (it starts at 10) just called and said he missed 4 buses, is sick, and will be at least 2 hours late....

- i developed a stiff neck from excessively barfing due to salmonella poisoning (yes, on thanksgiving day.... fuck you.... hard) and it's just not going away. if you want me to turn my head to the right... well you can just fuck off.

- my hat is too tight.

oh great....
i just got this call from the director of the entire agency saying she wants to see me about 'issues' (i know it's with that crazy departmental director i'm always posting about). anyway, OH GREAT. seriously. b/c i have ammo but i'd hate to use it. i just want to do my job.


i don't know if it's GOOD or bad that i basically can't get fired.
see, i just want to do my job! i'd hate to have to pull out the big guns because i just dont want to deal with it.

meeting is at 4.
I'm supposed to be studying for a big exam tomorrow in translation technologies, but I can't concentrate for shit 'cause I think my mom's dying.

Oh great...
this sniper shit scares me.

i just gave my presentation and it went off great, even though i was alone in front of actually 72 people... WITH A MICROPHONE which i am just not used to. it was a group of homeless people and people in transition so i had a wild bunch and they were fun. one guy fell out of his chair and was lying on the ground and tried to play it off like he meant to do it. it ruled.

meeting with HR at 4. :/
the presentation was in the basement of a church. it was totally surreal. the people were really interesting. the doom of a presentation is when NO ONE ASKS QUESTIONS but tons of questions were asked and i actually (crazy) knew all the answers.