the "oh great..." thread

Prep: Good job on the presentation. fuck the dept-Director, blow her ass. If you feel like you are losing your job then bring her with you... Stupid bitch!

Nut Butter: Hang in there buddy! If you are in the MTL region pm me and I'll buy you a beer :)
okay so like.... wtf.

well, they can't fire me now. because i had to pull all the stops and point out some serious discrimination issues against me (real ones, not invented or stretched ones). so no, they won't fire me. but they tried to reprimand me slightly and ask me to be 'more nice' but retracted that after the 'amanda turned viper' emerged.

anyway i left a room full of directors looking like this

avi. yea and no. i mean i basically really am not the
kind of person that wants to have to threaten people just to be able to do my job. and i am sure they'll still be pretty unpleasant to work with now. and plus, i had to turn in my director (and i hate ratting people out) for discriminating against me and she might get fired or disbarred as an attorney in New York.
i really dont ever hate anyone and dislike getting people hurt/fired. so i don't feel good about this in any way, shape or form, and revenge is NOT A JUSTIFICATION for me at all. so i just feel like shit because as much of a jerk as she might be, she may end up fired if she can't explain what's happened.
eh. i'm not so sure. because i wasn't protecting my life. i was essentially protecting a job that is more than anything, an annoyance and a hindrance to me right now. so i feel weird about the whole thing.
Hey, thanks for the thought Lizard! And Mindspell, I might just take you up on that next time I'm in town.

OK I'm done usurping your thread now preppy :)

prep, its about more than just the job. if you allow this person to bully you and trample over you and get mgmt to try and reprimand you, without swinging back, you lose something of yourself. I'm not saying be a bitch; I'm saying for your psychological well being, you can't allow someone who was in the wrong in the firstplace to use you as a doormat.

and it will give someone pause in the future to try and take advantage of you and use you as a target for their own mental weakness.

trust me; I know what I'm talking about. Once people get away with pissing on you once, its all over.

we got your back, prep.