The Opeth Countdown, Revisited ('09 Edition)

#45 - The Twilight Is My Robe

well folks, with this one we have officially crossed the line into songs that i fully endorse, rather than having qualms about. that said, i feel this is the weakest of the orchid epics. overall the riffs are generally great but they don't kick as much ass as the rest of the album. same arguments apply here as to pretty much the whole first part of their career, i.e. songs are just a bunch of random riffs strung together. but there is a definite charm to these old recordings that was lost in their later material (but made up for by more skillful songwriting and execution).

#44 - White Cluster

easily the weakest song on still life (but still good). everybody makes a big to-do about the solos, but i always thought opeth has way better solo sections elsewhere. also they are mixed waaaaaay too low, but that's a problem with the whole album, not just this song. overall this isn't the perfect closer for the album but it's pretty hard to follow everything that just came before.

#43 - When

another forum favorite but as you can see my favorites lie elsewhere. pretty awesomely monstrous beginning, and generally solid but my one problem is that it feels kind of like a continuation of april ethereal, only not quite as good. but anyhoo the little acoustic break at 1:23, and then the way it comes back in like POW it's one of my favorite opeth moments. also that riff that follows is kinda wonky and jiggish, i like it. unfortunately the beginning of the song is the best part so it loses a little momentum later on, but overall it gets a thumbs up, very solid

#42 - April Ethereal

great opener for the album, keep in mind this was a very new direction for the band at the time so you've got to imagine the shock the fans had. very good momentum, good riffs, and so on. best part: the scream at 5:45 and the CRUSHING riff after it

#41 - To Bid You Farewell

i'm torn on this one. the beginning quiet part = great. the heavy metal part = not so great. so, do the math - it's in the middlish of the list. still overall i enjoy the song, it's just i can't help but feel a little let down when the heavy riffs come in, they just hadn't perfected this kind of song structure yet (see: face of melinda)
I can't honestly say I'd ever be able to make the decisions required to compile a list like this of my own, so kudos to you.

My rankings would change by the mood/hour/day/week/year and I'd have many ties :)
I guess I'm the only one who kind of likes Porcealin Heart? I don't think it should have been released as a single though.

Arasmas is not everyone...
I have to suggest to everyone replying to his things to stop saying things like "wtf?! when, #43!?! u fuckhead" (exageration). It's HIS list, make yours (don't). And remember that at this point of the list, because Opeth has so many good songs, there are sacrifices to be made ;). Keep goin'.

Fun thread though ! Make it to 1# and let the flaming begin ! :P

Theorically, he only has to reach #2. But I'd also love to see why #1 is #1. As someone said, my favorite Opeth song changes everyday.
you have some sort of better appreciation than the rest of us philistines. but this is negated by the fact that the intro to nectar has you "squealing with joy"

Negated? You just said that I have a better appreciation for the intro right there.


The bass sounds like a record skipping, man. But... IT REALLY ISN'T SKIPPING! That's cool AND dope.

Yup. She wore the red one once last summer. It was known as the great camel toe of '08.
Wow I stumble into the Opeth forum for old time's sake and there's actually a thread worth reading?

With that being uttered, YOU mr original poster are completely out of tune. Everybody knows that "Credence" is one of their very BEST ballads and since music can be discussed objectively, I will arrest you on this one.

Otherwise I tend to agree with placing "Weakness" and such tripe well below the average. How you got "The Amen Corner" so far down is a mystery, considering the existence of Watershed's sleep-inducing material. Ouch I bashed the latest Opeth album there, I didn't even think about it until after having written the sentence but there it stands. I won't censor my true feelings even though I do respect the band and even their jizz.

With THAT being uttered, "The Moor" should be a clear #1. Right? Am I right? I am right, am I right?
Arasmas is not everyone...
I have to suggest to everyone replying to his things to stop saying things like "wtf?! when, #43!?! u fuckhead" (exageration). It's HIS list, make yours (don't). And remember that at this point of the list, because Opeth has so many good songs, there are sacrifices to be made ;).

Man, people should be able to express their reactions, whatever they may be.