The Opeth Song that Fires you Up

dude, how could you not love 5:52 - 6:05 "thuuuuuhhhhh graaaaaaaandd cooohhhhhnjuuuuuuuuraaaaaayyytiooohhhnn"


what a great song

Baying of the hounds is another great song

make sure you add the breath in there "thuuuuuuuuuh graaaaaaaand coooohhnnnnjuuuuu (breath) raaaaaaaayyyytiooooooohnnn"

i know when they revisit the opening riff in the middle of the song....i just go fuckin's easily my favorite riff from the whole album

the palm muted part after the beginning of baying of the hounds fires me up too

you know when he goes "everything you believed is a lie, everyone you loved is a death-burden, so take comfort in him" and so on

mikaels riffs are soo catchy lol
dude, how could you not love 5:52 - 6:05 "thuuuuuhhhhh graaaaaaaandd cooohhhhhnjuuuuuuuuraaaaaayyytiooohhhnn"


what a great song

Baying of the hounds is another great song

I stated this in the Tempe, AZ concert thread. But seeing Opeth live is amazing, but they absolutely blew me away with TGC. I am not a huge fan of that song at all, but seeing it played live was amazing. I have never :rock: so hard in my concert years. I had chills after it was over.