The OS movie thread


Never banned
Oct 14, 2009
Ayn Rand is dead hahahahaha
There one in the GMD and RC, so why not have one here. Talk about movies on here and what you watch.

Hoop Dreams-Best sport and documentry movie I've seen yet.

Coming up on Netflix

Seven Samurai

When We Were Kings

My Life As A Dog
"Machete" as soon as it shows.

Best movies lately: "Shutter Island".

Recommended all time great movies you have to see (if you want):

"Full Metal Jacket"
"2001: A Space Odyssey"
"The Exorcist"
"Letters From Iwo Jima"
"Farawell To The King"
"Apocalypse Now"
"Saving Private Ryan"
"Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens"
"Vampyr - Der Traum des Allan Grey"
"Wolf" (Mike Nichols)
"An American Werewolf In London"
"The Poseidon Adventure" (original version)
"The Outlaw Josey Wales"
"The Meaning Of Life"
Also, one movie everyone on this board must see is American Movie. It's the Spinal Tap of filmmaking. It's also one of the most quotable movies outside of Monty Python and Austin Powers.

Plus, they talk quite a bit about metal, and "Fight Fire With Fire" and Ozzy's "Dee" plays throughout much of the movie.

It's one of the greatest documentaries ever made IMO. When I first saw it, I thought it was a mockumentary beause Mike and Mark seem so much like characters you can't imagine this is how they are ALL THE TIME.

Anyways, go see it. :)

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blew me away was Inglourious Basterds. Landa (Waltz) was such an amazing villain. I can't wait for the prequel.

Of course IB it's one of the best movies in the last ten years hands up. But again being such a brilliant fim the best idea is NOT to do any prequel, sequel, remake, reboot or anything except maybe transfer it to Blu-Ray.

So if you're a Tarantino fan (like me) a must have (as DVD. Blu-Ray or whatever) is "Kill Bill 1 & 2".

Some more movies worth seeing:

"Some Like It Hot"
"The Thing" (Carpenter's version)
"Alien" (Ridley Scott's of course)
"Close Encounters Of The Third Kind"
"The Wild Bunch"
The Strait Story
Interview with a vampire
North by Northwest
Swing Kids
The Soviet Story
The Notebook
Witness For The Prosecution

Good tread Tom. :)
"Women In Trouble"

Don't know you guys, but in a way this movie was written for people like me.

At least the part discussing drummers by the flight attendants is made or OS people.

Gonna put it among my favorite disfunctional characters indies including "Auto Focus", "Secretary" and "The Royal Tenenbaums". And I'm looking forward for the sequel (2010) "Electra Luxx" :saint:
Anyone seen the silent film Metropolis? It was the Avatar of its day. One of my all-time favorites.

Also, you can't beat Trip to the Moon. Melies was so brilliant for his time. :)

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You gotta love those old B/W movies indeed !!! Luckely alot of them are fully available on Youtube and other sites. I'm quit a SF geek, so I love those old SF movies...
I have "Metropolis" on DVD, also higly recommended (besides Nosferatu and Vampyr that I already quoted): "The Golem".
The best part about silent film is you can crank tunes while you watch :)

You can also do it with movies with advantage of living in a non-English speaking country :heh:

"Phantom Of The Opera"
"The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari" (fucking awsome movie :worship:)