The OS movie thread

Also, one movie everyone on this board must see is American Movie. It's the Spinal Tap of filmmaking. It's also one of the most quotable movies outside of Monty Python and Austin Powers.

Plus, they talk quite a bit about metal, and "Fight Fire With Fire" and Ozzy's "Dee" plays throughout much of the movie.

It's one of the greatest documentaries ever made IMO. When I first saw it, I thought it was a mockumentary beause Mike and Mark seem so much like characters you can't imagine this is how they are ALL THE TIME.

Anyways, go see it. :)

American Movie is one of my favorite movies. I've seen it many times. It is as funny as you say, but they are charming somehow too, Mike and Mark, and there's just something special about that movie. For other documentaries I also suggest:

Brother's Keeper (about a, 'hillbilly,' murder mystery in NY state)
Paradise Lost (Satanic panic around the murders of some young children - Metallica let them use their music for the soundtrack, but that is far from the reason it is a good movie - though it certainly adds to the atmosphere)
Salesman (about bible salesmen in the 50's)
Capturing the Friedman's (strange pedophile case)
Also, here are some of my personal fave movies:

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
...and pretty much all Werner Herzog
Dr. Strangelove
Dark City
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Wyv put this down too, one of my all time faves. It captures 70s american/family life in America, and manages to be a kickass sci fi film. I think it deals with the weird unknown/vaguely spiritual aspect of UFO phenomenon pretty well, similarly to Signs.)
Have you seen the movie "M"? Along with Metropolis, that movie is a masterpiece of its time.

A masterpiece of early German cinema. Peter Lorre rules in that movie. I remember being very impressed by this one. it's been a long time since I have seen it. Must be mid 70s.

I would love to see it again. I think I am going to search for it on google video.
Also, here are some of my personal fave movies:

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
...and pretty much all Werner Herzog

Great call on Herzog. "Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes " and his remake of "Nosferatu (Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht)" are masterpieces (maybe the only remake up to the original).