the other other kind of piracy

Unless both cabs have dirt/damages on the exact same places, yes, its the same picture. ;P
Reminds me of when I was searching ebay for Mesa cabs a few months ago, and there was a dude selling custom logos cut to the size of the regular Mesa Engineering logo, and he had a pic of a Recto cab with his "your logo here" thing photoshopped on it; the thing is, I'm pretty certain the original pic of the cab was from our own Torniojaws! :D (cuz it was a Recto straight, and I just remember seeing the pic in his "new cab day" thread)
he states in the description its not of his cab guys hes "using it for reference and will add pics later" so we shall see
he states in the description its not of his cab guys hes "using it for reference and will add pics later" so we shall see

I don't get why people do that. Was he not aware ahead of time that he was about to start an auction? Did someone break into his house that morning and force him to post an auction at gunpoint, no time for real pictures, now now NOW!

Maybe there certain periods of the week when the seller fees are lower? Like, if you put up an auction during the work week, it's cheaper than if you do it after 12 midnight Saturday morning.

I dunno, it all just seems skeevy, especially for someone with so little ratings history.
in addition to using others' pics on ebay and such, i've seen/heard of numerous occasions where people have posted pics of other people's studios and mastering facilities, and tried to pass them off as their own