The Peoples Choice: Up The Irons

We covered Cross Eyed Mary, lol... dont know as though it was good. Great song, either band and excellent tribute to Tulls early years and influence
J-Dubya 777, "Children Of The Damed" The Beast Album luvin the song :Smokedev: :Smokedev: :Smokedev:

cheers :kickass: for your in-put, maiden1:Smokedev:

"She Who Walks Alone, Is Not Always Walking A lone"
WAAAAAAYYYY too many AWESOME Maiden tunes out there to be able to choose just one as my favourite. Lately, I'm really diggin' Gangland off of NOTB. That whole album is just amazing, though! :notworthy

:rock: :rock: :rock:

"O God of Earth and Altar,
Bow down and hear our cry,
Our earthly rulers falter,
Our people drift and die,
The walls of gold entomb us,
The swords of scorn divide,
Take not thy thunder from us,
But take away our pride."
(G.K. Chesterton: English Hymnal)

:rock: :rock: :rock:
yea, its actually a cover song. Sky Hooks originally recorded it in late 70's.

so no, not a maiden original.

Heheh, I remember reading an old issue of a great ex-Yugoslavian music magazine Jukebox where a reporter living in London reviewed 7" vinyls and among them was Women in Uniform. Said that it was a ruined version of Skyhooks' song, with noisy guitars and yelling voice. He was really right, too bad Maiden didn't make it... :lol:

This remembers me of something, I'll have to digress a bit...

[trip down the memory lane]
When Yugoslavia was still alive there weren't any imported LPs to buy, only things national record companies licenced and produced themselves. There was always someone who had a relative abroad, in Germany or UK and supplied his bunch with new stuff otherwise unobtainable. Then they would gather at his place frequently and listen to the new records... I remember that the first Metallica, Slayer and Venom vinyls were brought to my hometown by a local (then successful) swimmer who had been at LA olympics in 1984. There are stories about sailors who brought "No Life Till Leather" even earlier... This may seem really funny to you "western block" people, but this is how it was back then... ;) Most of the Iron Maiden releases were licenced and easy to get, but none of the harder metal was. Funnily enough, you could obtain licenced first two Tygers Of Pan Tang LPs, I don't know whose idea was to release that... :Smug:

There was some magic in those pre-CD and pre-Internet days, the albums were hard to get, not to mention a properly recorded cassette. But we somehow appreciated the music more and listened to it more thoroughly, now with every, even the most obscure band being available I'm having a hard time to listen to it all properly. Back then every second of the tape was valuable cause you knew how hard it was to find the album. I remember some recordings I had which had almost more noise than music for being recorded cassette-to-cassette a dozen times literally, but I enjoyed them nonetheless. Today, I wouldn't give it a listen for a million bucks. I suppose I'm being spoiled by the digital world... :goggly:
[/trip down the memory lane]
Maiden Maiden Maiden fark dude you can't tell me SkyHooks sang "Wimen In Uniform" better than Maiden, it was a kickass song when Maiden sing it:kickass: :rock: :Smokedev:
when SkyHooks sang the song it was like, um, picking flowers:Saint: :danceboy:

cheers:kickass: maiden1:Smokedev:
Speaking of covers, I actually like IM's version of Cross Eyed Mary better than Tull's version, which is sort of sacrilege, to me. :heh:

Remind me to kill you for blasphemy next year :p. On the other hand Maiden's cover of 'Communication Breakdown' IS better than the original
I'm not at all a big Maiden fan, but I do think they are awesome.
My top four Maiden:

Number of the Beast
Two minutes to Midnight
Where Eagles Roam
My fav Maiden cover is "Doctor, Doctor"

That aside, gosh, just about every Maiden song lifts my spirits or makes me hyper :heh: :Smokin:

My fav song is HBTN, gives me goosebumps everytime. 2MTM just gets me fired up, and RT gives me a nice soothing feeling.
Remind me to kill you for blasphemy next year :p. On the other hand Maiden's cover of 'Communication Breakdown' IS better than the original

/makes note to have Wyvern kill me....
Flute fight! :heh:

Another cool cover is I've Got The Fire....
(That's an old Montrose tune, for the young whippersnappers here) :rock:
/makes note to have Wyvern kill me....
Flute fight! :heh:

Another cool cover is I've Got The Fire....
(That's an old Montrose tune, for the young whippersnappers here) :rock:

True. And I must add Kill Me C'Soir cover of Golden Earring as another good one, on the other hand Thin Lizzy's Massacre wasn't that good.

I thought it would be a trombone fight :Saint:
I'm SO not going there! :lol: :D

What you never heard the Joy of Sax?