The Perfect dt set

King Chaos

Pomeo Osoponeor
Mar 19, 2004
Well here's a thread which should die quickly, but might be quite interesting. I want to know: what would be the perfect Dark Tranquillity live set?
Sets can include any and all material including covers (if that's your thing) that dt have composed/played since the beginning of their days. You don't have to take into account that "Character is the most recent, so they should open with a track from that"... just think about what would make an unforgetable night. Tracks at the top should be the openers, tracks at the bottom should be the closers. Heres mine in that order

Format C: for cortex
Feast of Burden
Punish my Heaven

*a bit of crowd banter*
The Endless Feed
There in
Hours Passed in Exile
Sun fired blanks

*Another break where Brandtstrom does some electronic messing about*
Away, Delight, Away
Scythe, Rage and Roses.
Shadow duet

*Sundin plays erruption and the crowd goes wild (hehe)*
Monochromatic stains
Dreamlore Degenerate
Dry Run
Final resistance
Zodijackyl light

*the band leaves*
*The crowd goes nuts*
*the band returns*

My Negation
Cathode ray sunshine
Lost to Apathy

*There's threats of riots if DT don't come back out*
Mine is the grandeur...
...of melancholy burning

*crowd wipes tears away from their eyes, it's all very gay and melodramatic; but we're caught up in the moment. Here ends the best gig of all time.*

I know this is quite a bit like the compilation thread, although that is aimed at an audience of dt n00bs I believe, this is aimed at you... so go wild!
Final Resistance
Feast of Burden
Nether Novas
Scythe, Rage and Roses
The Treason Wall
Insanity's Crescendo
There In
Punish My Heaven
Free Card
Cathode Ray Sunshine
The Wonders ...
Zodijackyl Light
Mine is the Grandeur...Of Melancholy Burning
The Sun Fired Blanks
Dreamlore Degenerate
Of Chaos and Eternal Night

I didn't put Character material because i need to get more in this album, it takes some time hehehe
The Gallery
Mine is the grandeur..
..of melancholy burning
insanity's crescendo
schythe rage and roses
undo control
there in
emptier still
the wonders at your feet
of chaos and eternal night
format c for cortex
white noise/black silence