The petition is growing rexponentially!


May 23, 2002
Alberta, Canada
I signed the petition and went back like a matter of two hours later and it had grown by over 350 people! The messages people are leaving are awsome, and guess who i seen signed in. Niel Tubin, cool. If Anthrax get on and it comes to Vancouver i will do what i can to get there. It just might work.
you know chuck, chuck being me, has some insane idea..........write a handwritten in pen petition and send it all around to all of us, considering the fact that ozzfest is months away, this is sensible. Firstly, get together a huge list of names, gather all the names and addresses, see who would be interested in this, compile it and make a "map across north america/england" and see where it would be most sensible to send it to next, i mean id totally be into helping with this. And sometime in a few months get it to the osbournes. Make it envelope size so you dont have to UPS it or nothing like that. Just send the letter man to man to man to man. Fold the paper up as much as possible so you can get the biggest piece possible in the envelope. Make it so that it can fit inside a standard envelope. Lets say that you could get 200 Signed/printed names on one regular piece of paper, get some form of paper that can be folded up and cannot be seen through so ink wont bleed through, and just ship this letter all around, and if the paper runs out of space, get another sheet and another envelope and be sending two envelopes. Maybe this idea is too farfetched, but i would defintly be into helping orchestrate it.
I don't think they'd have time to "verify" over 1000 signatures. I think it's all about making the Osbourne kids see the fact that an awesome band that was one of the "founders" of a new metal genre and still relevant 20 years later is worth putting on the main stage.

Even if they don't get put on the tour, the Osbournes should at least acknowledge the petition whether it be public or private with the band.