The photography thread

Great pic, i already noticed it on your facebook page. But this photo deserves better quality then a facebook link ;)

Thanks mate, just a quick and dirty link to the real deal (it's in high quality on 1x)

When exploring photography one quickly learns that things such as jpg quality, image resolution and maximal sharpness are far less important than composition, light and colors/contrast, I'm sure you know and agree with that. Hence I'm not so conscious about it unless it's a studio shot in which case Facebook tends to massively screw up with solid background colors and churns out a rough pixelated mess.
Some of my recent favourites.


Thanks mate, just a quick and dirty link to the real deal (it's in high quality on 1x)

When exploring photography one quickly learns that things such as jpg quality, image resolution and maximal sharpness are far less important than composition, light and colors/contrast, I'm sure you know and agree with that. Hence I'm not so conscious about it unless it's a studio shot in which case Facebook tends to massively screw up with solid background colors and churns out a rough pixelated mess.
I completely agree that composition, lighting and things like that are far more important then sharpness and image quality ... but i like to try to get the most out of my shots by simple things to improve image quality.

There is a reason why most photographers shoot in RAW, to get that extra bit of quality/sharpness and to be more flexible with editing ofcourse.

Anyway ... other then that i'm really anal/autistic about details. So its ok if you don't agree ;)
Yeah, shooting in RAW is pretty much a must. I'm still surprised how much detail I can rescue in shadows and highlights in cases where the jpg would be clipped beyond repair.
@joelplagues, i like the last shot! At first i didn't notice there was a guy sitting, really cool!

And trying out the macro thing with a reversed 50mm lens:

Still waiting for my adapter to arrive from China, but the results are pretty cool.
Thanks, man! I've got some interest from a certain guitar magazine, we'll see what happens. I'm shooting again this Sunday with a Miss Universe Canada contestant... really looking forward to that one. :Smokin:
my cam only goes up to 1600 :(

it's sick how well noise cancellation works nowadays, a friend of mine sent me some .raws from his
EOS600D at ISO3200 without any editing, there was quite less noise than my 400D has at 800.

I'll have to post some pictures of my 6D at high ISO. I can go up to 26,500 and still have usable pictures in most cases :p

On another note - I'm going to be buying a house soon and since it'll just be me and the girlfriend, and I'm hoping to find a 3 bedroom house, I'm planning on setting up one bedroom as an office/control room and the second as the live room and have it double as a photo studio... What kind of lighting rigs are you guys running, that won't break the bank (looking at spending some cash on a second body and new glass)?