the pick


Sep 10, 2002
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do you guys just use one specific pick or you can use any and still play the same skill you have? I was using a dunlop tortex before and i dunno why they stopped producing it i use alice(the metal one) and its hard to play.any opinions.
I like small picks, too.
I use those small ones by fender, medium (used to use thin, but they kept breaking). I also use to scratch the surface of the pick, so it wont "move" too much when my fingers swet or i play very fast.
2.0 or 3.0 stubby for practicing my shreds, but 1.5 Gators for In Flamesish stuff, although ive been using the Stubby's for it now. .
I use the .50mm Tortex red's... and I know exactly what you mean, demondeath... there's a big learning curve with me if I try to change picks. It's like taking away a painters paintbrush, giving him a completely different brush, and expecting him to paint just as good as he did before. I wouldn't even think about changing my brush :)

The only picks I really can't stand are the really really thin ones and also those wide ones, forget what they're called, but Kerry King uses them. I prefer dunlop .88 or 1.0 and I also prefer teardrops.
Dunlop Jazz III black picks. Used them for over 10 years for bass and guitar, every other pick sucks in comparison. Every so often really thin picks are great for acoustic though.
NAD said:
Dunlop Jazz III black picks. Used them for over 10 years for bass and guitar, every other pick sucks in comparison. Every so often really thin picks are great for acoustic though.

Red ones feel better.
ADS said:
I use the .50mm Tortex red's... and I know exactly what you mean, demondeath... there's a big learning curve with me if I try to change picks. It's like taking away a painters paintbrush, giving him a completely different brush, and expecting him to paint just as good as he did before. I wouldn't even think about changing my brush :)

yeah its true, but fuck i cant find a ryt pick ryt now.they stopped shipping it here in the philippines.maybe i should try the teardrop though. but its hard for riffing especially down picks.
Break Zero said:
Dunlop Tortex 1mm (blue). I find them perfectly balanced for whatever I do
i really dont know the measure of the picks. but do they have anything balanced besides from dunlop? the only ones they are selling here are.. Fender,gibson(teardrops and the big ones),alice, and some shitty local undbranded sucky picks.
bobvex said:
2.0 or 3.0 stubby for practicing my shreds, but 1.5 Gators for In Flamesish stuff, although ive been using the Stubby's for it now. .
what's a stubby? (sorry for my ignorance. lack of experience)
so u change picks once in a while? what about when youre on stage performin?
I like the Dunlop Stubby 3mm picks-the hard purple ones. I started off with lighter tortex picks, then to Dunlop Jazz III picks(which I used for YEARS)..then I picked up a stubby one day. I instantly had better control and accuracy-I found the pick I was looking for!
I actaully have a few stubbys I have been playing with for a few years that I have worn the points down on..and they still kick the butt of any other pick!

As far fast I can tell, the Stubby picks are ones that are thicker on the grip side than at the point. They are also just a bit smaller than a regular sized pick in terms of overall size.
demondeath said:
what's a stubby? (sorry for my ignorance. lack of experience)
so u change picks once in a while? what about when youre on stage performin?
this is the stubby family


From top to bottom Stubby, Big stubby, and stubby triangle

from left to right 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 mm

the measurements are determined by how thing the pick is.