The pics thread

Then why give me 'permission' to find it funny?

Because people tend to "feel bad" if they laugh at something they don't like.

I think given the lameness of the joke and your subsequent comments, my assumption was entirely justified. That you found it in any way amusing is alarming tbh.

This is completely fucking asinine, and to be honest, I'm surprised you would say something this ridiculous.

I suggest you have a read up on double standards, since apparently you require help in understanding them.

Where exactly is the double standard?

Apparently it's ok for you to assume that I didn't find the joke funny purely because of the racist content, but if assume that you liked the joke purely because of the racist content I get a condescending book recommendation.

Given your reaction to the picture, it seemed rather obvious. You apparently are of the belief that one has to either be stupid or racist to find such a picture funny.

This is actually completely ridiculous. What an absurd overreaction to a picture over the internet. Yet I'm going to explain why the picture amused me anyway, in spite of not being stupid nor racist, which seemingly shatters your world view.

Within the context of the picture and without regard to who created the picture, who brought the picture to my attention, and what the intention was of creating the picture, I found it funny because to me, it represented an amusing caricature of Bush, painting him probably as how you already see him, somebody who's laid back and unserious and possibly racist, not to mention a simpleton. Like any racist character in a play or a novel or a movie, I judge their comments within the context of the work, and not within the context of how I feel about what they're saying. This was an attempt to portray a racist simpleton and the reaction from Obama to this simpleton, and that's exactly what the picture did. That I should feel bad or that you should feel that there's something wrong with me because I found it funny is profoundly ridiculous. Maybe you are more sensitive to such things as portrayals of racism and sexism and things of that nature as I am, but that has no correlation to actual feelings on actual examples of these things, let alone correlation to intelligence.

I really don't know how to make it any clearer to you that a person laughing at a picture such as that doesn't mean that there's something defective with that person, but if you still think that, then I really don't know what to say or do other than to just ignore you when it comes to sensitive humor.
I found Demetri Martin amusing on The Daily Show, but his own show sucks, and I didn't think much of his standup either.
More, please :worship:
Upon looking back in this thread I realized there isn't anything fucked up about this picture.

The first character means and and the second character means gather which are both pronounced "he".
I like how the last character is a man being chased by a log.