The pics thread

I think the crux of the situation is that it wasn't amusing at all, and if it amused you, you are easily amused.

You like Dane Cook.

I'm also willing to bet that if someone other than Krigloch posted the picture, more people would have been more receptive to it.
I didn't think that picture was funny either. But my opinion doesn't matter anyway because I should be in the kitchen right now making sammiches, not on the computer.
Do you guys seriously have to argue about everything? So what if he thought it was funny and you didn't. That doesn't make either of you right or wrong. Just like if you have differing tastes in music, it doesn't matter and arguing about it is beyond stupid.

Dude, it's the internet. People always argue about stupid stuff.
Yeah I too liked him more before he got popular, I first heard him in like 03/04? Whenever he released Harmful if Swallowed before he got popular, good times...I know that is cliche but it is true for him to an extent.