The pics thread

I think white color makes it more interesting and unordinary (I'm not sure this could have been called ordinary though), yet black would make it more grim.
Yo Ozz, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna letcha finish, but Apple created one of the best OS's of all time. OF ALL TIME!

EDIT: However, I shouldn't have bought/installed the new OS so quickly. I should have waited a couple more months...oh well.

EDIT2: I found a slightly better version of my iMac, which is a 2.66GHZ, 20 inch, 250GB hard drive, for $200 more than what I paid. It's a 24 inch, 2.93GHZ, 320GB hard drive, comes with 2GB of RAM, but can hold up to 8 (mine holds up to 4)...damn. That's my big peeve with Apple. They update so fucking much. But the new graphics cards should be out before long, and there's talk of abolishing both USB and Firewire for something cooler.