The pics thread

Yeah, V5 and I have this little squabble, but I'm not the same as the pretentious assholes that typically tout Macs as God's machinery. As you can see in my edit, I have issues like any normal person should.
The ability to have paid $400 for my computer a couple years ago and to simply pay $200 now for a new graphics card and some RAM and be able to play current games at reasonable settings kinda shits all over your extra-shiny interface.
The ability to have paid $400 for my computer a couple years ago and to simply pay $200 now for a new graphics card and some RAM and be able to play current games at reasonable settings kinda shits all over your extra-shiny interface.

Everything you just said is completely irrelevant, and slightly ignorant.

I didn't buy a Mac because I want to play games. If that was my goal, I'd buy a PC. I bought a Mac for Unix, programming, various audio things, maybe make some small movies. Plus, SecureShell, no viruses, processing power, and I really like the GUI...

Although the GUI is really really preference based. V5 doesn't like it, but some PC users would prefer it.

It's all a matter of what you need a computer for. If you just browse the internet, wank to porn, listen to music and play games...sure. A PC is fine. As long as you properly protect from viruses. But for larger programming tasks and the like, a Mac is better suited.

But continue playing World of Warcraft. That's clearly a basis for argument.



But continue playing World of Warcraft. That's clearly a basis for argument.
Sorry, you have me confused with a homosexual who likes to pretend he's a gnome.

You also seem to have missed the entire fucking point of my post, which is not that PCs are better for games but that PCs are fucking modular. I can add more ram and a soundcard for recording music, or whatever the fuck I want. You have to buy a new computer.
I have 4GB of RAM, and not once has it failed me. I can multitask to a ridiculous extent with no problem. So really, I don't have to buy anything. The graphics card/sound card does not require a new Mac. I don't know where you learn these things... Research first, then post.

EDIT: Actually, I don't feel like arguing. I'm in a bad mood and had a few drinks, so I'll start insulting soon. Another time, good sir.
I wasn't referring to your specific situation, but to the general and obvious superiority of a system that can be upgraded down the line to one which is static and shiny.

Also, don't quote huge strings of images.
Right...because Macs can't be upgraded or anything...My Mac from 2000 ran all the way up until the new software change in 2008, and ONLY because I didn't want to buy a DVD drive. I wanted a new Mac. Please stop posting with ignorance.

Also, lick balls.
Lol @DT constantly pushing the virus thing.

Seriously, AVG free and you're sorted against viruses.

And people have actually started making Mac viruses because they got so fucked off with Mac fags going "Zomg, no viruses" all the fucking time.

Ok now I'm thinking of this:

oh and by the way yes that is a cool video even if it is goth and not truuu metuhls

yeah I know it doesn't sound like candlemass but you made me think of hammer horror type shit lol
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Lol @DT constantly pushing the virus thing.

Seriously, AVG free and you're sorted against viruses.

And people have actually started making Mac viruses because they got so fucked off with Mac fags going "Zomg, no viruses" all the fucking time.
Constantly pushing? I mentioned among a list of things. And people can make them, but still no one has them. So...your point?
I've heard that mac viruses are worse then Windows viruses.
No, they're not. They're just harder to make and Macs are open source leaving less desire to do so. The ones that people have got are few, and nothing devastating.