The pics thread

It's actually "foreigner."


I don't talk much about metal here because I'm afraid of "YOUR OPINION SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Oh, well i seriously didn't mean for it to come off like i was trying to be rude to you, because i wasn't... even though you kinda made a rude remark. :)
It's still all cool.
I said what I truly think in my earlier post, and I absolutely take a responsibility on my words.
When you fixed me, - no matter what I think about you, - you did a good thing for me (weather you meant to be rude or not), - so i'm thanking you for that.
All is fair, imo.
You look like trailer trash and suck hard at the "icy cold smooth rebuttal" thing you're going for. The only reason you haven't been laughed out of here several times over already is because most of the sexually frustrated youngins on this board would like to see you post pics of your tits.

I'm not sexually frustrated and even I want to see pics of her tits.
Nuero and Val are the only women that I like on this board, because they're not fucking dumb bitches with no taste or no class.
Until you said something about caring what your dick goes inside of, I thought you were a girl.
It's still all cool.
I said what I truly think in my earlier post, and I absolutely take a responsibility on my words.
When you fixed me, - no matter what I think about you, - you did a good thing for me (weather you meant to be rude or not), - so i'm thanking you for that.
All is fair, imo.
Heart of gold. :)